Interpreting Your Placement Score
Use the table below to find your score and the courses for which you can register. Think you should have a higher score? Read more about our placement test.
0-29: MTHD 103
30-40: MTHD 104, MTHD 106, MATH 130/107, MATH 131/114, MATH 132/200
41-55: MATH 107, MATH 114, MATH 121, MATH 200, MATH 208
56-65: MATH 141, MATH 107, MATH 121, MATH 200, MATH 208
66-75: MATH 142, MATH 107, MATH 121, MATH 200, MATH 208
76+: MATH 161, MATH 107, MATH 121, MATH 200, MATH 208
students who score 76 or higher on the survey AND the placement test can fulfill their math proficiency/QSR requirement
Math Pathways
The following chart shows six different paths each leading to a different course that satisfies mathematics proficiency. Some of these courses are recommendations; if a major does not require a certain course, then any class that meets proficiency would be sufficient. Note that MTHD 106 cannot be substituted for MTHD 104. Students should always consult with an advisor to make sure they choose the appropriate path for their major.

Developmental Courses
These courses are pre-college level math courses, and grades and credits received for them do not qualify for your degree. For more details on each course, consult the catalog.
MTHD 103: Basic Algebra
Score: 0-29 • Pathways: All
A personalized basic Algebra review course where you work through topics relevant to you. Take advantage of the MTHD free math tutors to help you through this mainly computer-based course. The next step from here is either MTHD 104 or MTHD 106, or a corequisite course with MATH 107, MATH 114, or MATH 200.
MTHD 104: Int. Algebra
Score: 30-40 • Pathways: Health Science, Business, STEM
This intermediate Algebra review course makes sure you have the fluency needed in topics relevant to STEM majors – and is a great preparation in linear equations, functions, exponential equations, and logarithms. This course is recommended to build a good foundation for later taking PreCalculus or Calculus.
Note: MATH 114 does not fulfill the EWU math proficiency/QSR requirement. You will need to take an additional course.
MTHD 106: Algebra Reasoning
Score: 30-40 • Pathways: Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, Elementary Ed
This course emphasizes some of the big ideas in Algebra, making sure that you can problem solve with proportions, graphs, and basic linear and exponential equations.
This course does NOT substitute for MTHD 104. If you are unsure which course you should take because your major is undecided, taking MTHD 104 will guarantee you don’t have to repeat this level.
Corequisite Courses
These courses are designed to allow you to speed up your math completion, catching up in one quarter what would otherwise take two. You will earn college credit for these courses – 5 math credits for the main class and 3 elective credits for the support course. For more details on each course, consult the catalog.
MATH 130/107: Math Reasoning
Score: 30-40 • Pathway: Liberal Arts, Health Sciences
This corequisite course requires you to take two math courses at the same time- MATH 107 and MATH 130 (Essentials). MATH 107 focuses on problem solving with multiple types of mathematics – statistics, finance, probability, and logic – providing you with a solid foundation in mathematical reasoning. MATH 130 is a seminar course where participation in math discussions is a key element to developing understanding. Successful completion of MATH 107 fulfills the EWU math proficiency/QSR requirement.
MATH 131/114: Algebra Concepts
Score: 30-40 • Pathway: STEM
This corequisite course requires you to take two math courses at the same time – MATH 114 and MATH 131 (Essentials). MATH 114 is an advanced Algebra course that will prepare you for success in PreCalculus, which you would still need to take to meet your math proficiency requirement. MATH 131 is a a seminar course where participation in math discussions is a key element to developing understanding.
Note: MATH 114 does not fulfill the EWU math proficiency/QSR requirement. You will need to take an additional course.
MATH 132/200: Finite Math
Score: 30-40 • Pathway: Business
This corequisite course requires you to take two math courses at the same time- MATH 200 and MATH 132 (Essentials). MATH 200 focuses on the mathematical systems encountered in the study of the behavioral sciences and a study of matrices, linear systems, linear programming, set theory and probability. MATH 132 is a seminar course where participation in math discussions is a key element to developing understanding. Successful completion of MATH 200 fulfills the EWU math proficiency/QSR requirement.
Introductory College-Level Courses
These courses are usually major-specific, and one course is generally not an equivalent for another. For example, completing MATH 107 does not substitute for completing MATH 114 – a student who took MATH 107 and now needs to take MATH 141 will need to take MATH 114 first. For more details on each course, consult the catalog.
MATH 107: Math Reasoning
Score: 41-55 • Pathway: Liberal Arts, Health Sciences
MATH 107 focuses on problem solving with multiple types of mathematics – statistics, finance, probability, and logic – providing you with a solid foundation in mathematical reasoning. Successful completion of MATH 107 fulfills the EWU math proficiency/QSR requirement.
MATH 114: Algebra Concepts
Score: 41-55 • Pathway: STEM
MATH 114 is an advanced Algebra course that will prepare you for success in PreCalculus, which you would still need to take to meet your math proficiency requirement.
Note: MATH 114 does not fulfill the EWU math proficiency/QSR requirement. You will need to take an additional course.
MATH 121: Intro Statistics
Score: 41-55 • Pathway: Social Sciences, Health Sciences
This course develops statistical literacy and the ability to think statistically, and understand how probability plays a role in statistical inference. Successful completion of MATH 121 fulfills the EWU math proficiency/QSR requirement.
MATH 170: Geometry and Art
Score: 41-55 • Pathway: Art
This course explores the relationship between geometry and art and will explore Euclidean, Spherical, and Hyperbolic Geometry among other topics. Successful completion of MATH 170 fulfills the EWU math proficiency/QSR requirement.
MATH 200: Finite Math
Score: 41-55 • Pathway: Business
This course provides an introduction to the mathematical systems encountered in the study of the behavioral sciences and a study of matrices, linear systems, linear programming, set theory and probability. Successful completion of MATH 200 fulfills the EWU math proficiency/QSR requirement.
MATH 208: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
Score: 41-55 • Pathway: Elem. Ed
This course gives future K–8 teachers foundational understanding of elementary school mathematics for teaching. Successful completion of MATH 208 fulfills the EWU math proficiency/QSR requirement.
Advanced College-Level Courses
These are the highest courses that students without previous college math coursework can be placed into. Generally, these courses are pre-requisites for other math courses at Eastern. For more details on each course, consult the catalog.
MATH 141: PreCalculus I
Score: 56-65 • Pathway: STEM
This course is the first of two courses to prepare students for the Calculus series. Successful completion of MATH 141 fulfills the EWU math proficiency/QSR requirement.
MATH 142: PreCalculus II
Score: 66-75 • Pathway: STEM
This course is the second and last course to prepare students for the Calculus series. Successful completion of MATH 142 fulfills the EWU math proficiency/QSR requirement.
MATH 161: Calculus I
Score: 76+ • Pathway: STEM
This course is the first of the Calculus series and is a prerequisite for most higher level math. Successful completion of MATH 161 fulfills the EWU math proficiency/QSR requirement.