Override Requests Permit Request - MATH Email* CC form to: Student Name*Student ID #*Override Type*PrerequisiteRepeat Limit - MTHD CourseRepeat Limit - MATH or MTED CourseMax CapacityOther (Please list in justification)Student EmailPlease notify the student that Michele Grant will be reaching out via email to set up a meeting with the department chair. This will be the student's Third attempt at this class Fourth (or more )attempt at this class Override Quarter*2024 Summer Quarter2024 Fall Quarter2025 Winter Quarter2025 Spring Quarter2025 Summer Quarter2025 Fall QuarterOverride Course*MTHD 104MTHD 106MATH 107/130MATH 107MATH 114/131MATH 114MATH 200MATH 121MATH 141MATH 142MATH 161MATH 208OtherOther CourseOverride Justification (justify ALL prereqs for a given course)*Optional: Attachments Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 63 MB, Max. files: 3. Δ