Data Dictionary

What's a transfer student? Or an FTE? You can find the meanings behind these terms and many others in our Data Dictionary.

Many of these definitions come from university policies and the National Center for Education Statistics Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) glossary. You can use these definitions to understand the information on dashboards and reports.

Need more help with these terms? Reach out to us and we'll be glad to help.

ItemDescriptionODS Fields & Values
Active studentA student who has applied and confirmed though the undergraduate, graduate, or Running Start admissions process. Active students maintain their active status until they graduate, formally withdraw from the university, or stop enrolling in courses for at least one year. Then, they move to Inactive student status.

Non-matriculating students maintain their active student status only for the term they are taking courses.
Adult learnerAn applicant 25 years of age or older who does not otherwise fit into any other undergraduate admissions category.
(AP 303-21)
Cohort yearThe year that a cohort of students begins attending college.
CohortA specific group of students established for tracking purposes.
First-time student (undergraduate)A student who has no prior postsecondary experience (except as noted below) attending any institution for the first time at the undergraduate level. This includes students enrolled in academic or occupational programs. It also includes students enrolled in the fall term who attended college for the first time in the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced standing (college credits or recognized postsecondary credential earned before graduation from high school).
ADMISSIONS_POPULATION is any of these: 'AI','AL','CA','CR','FB','FC','FI','FO','FR','GD','IE','IN' and STUDENT_POPULATION is any of these: 'B','F','I','P'
Former studentAny applicant who was previously admitted and enrolled at Eastern and has been absent from the University for more than four quarters.
(AP 303-21)
(EWU Admissions category)
A student who meets at least one of the following criteria:
- Is currently in high school;
- Is a high school graduate or equivalent without post-high school transferable college credit;
- Is a current high school student with Running Start credits, or,
- Has earned less than 40 transferable credits.
(AP 303-21)
ADMISSIONS_POPULATION is any of these: 'AI','AL','CA','CR','FB','FC','FI','FO','FR','GD','IE','IN' and STUDENT_POPULATION is any of these: 'B','F','I','P'
(EWU student classification)
A matriculating undergraduate student who has earned 0-44 cumulative quarter credits.
(AP 303-30)
(IPEDS definition)
A first-year undergraduate student.ADMISSIONS_POPULATION is any of these: 'AI','AL','CA','CR','FB','FC','FI','FO','FR','GD','IE','IN' and STUDENT_POPULATION is any of these: 'B','F','I','P'
Full-time equivalent (FTE) of students
(EWU standard)
A measure used in presenting statistical data on students. The calculation depends on the total number of credits each student is enrolled in per term and the level of the courses.

To determine FTEs by term for 100, 200, 300, and 400 level courses, for either quarters or semesters:
Add the total number of credits and divide by 15. 15 credits = 1.0 FTEs for the term.

To determine FTEs by term for 500 and 600 level courses, for either quarters or semesters:
Add the total number of credits and divide by 10. 10 credits = 1.0 FTEs for the term.

To determine average annual FTEs for quarters:
Add the total quarterly FTEs for Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters and divide by 3. 3.0 term FTEs = 1.0 average annual FTEs.

To determine average annual FTEs for semesters:
Add the total semester FTEs for Fall and Spring semesters and divide by 2. 2.0 term FTEs = 1.0 average annual FTEs.
Full-time equivalent (FTE) of students
(IPEDS standard)
The full-time equivalent (FTE) of students is a single value providing a meaningful combination of full-time and part-time students. IPEDS data products currently have two calculations of FTE students, one using fall student headcounts and the other using 12-month instructional activity.

IPEDS calculation of FTE students (using fall student headcounts):
The number of FTE students is calculated based on fall student headcounts as reported by the institution on the IPEDS Enrollment (EF) component (Part A). The full-time equivalent (headcount) of the institution's part-time enrollment is estimated by multiplying the factors noted below times the part-time headcount. These are then added to the full-time enrollment headcounts to obtain an FTE for all students enrolled in the fall. This formula is used to produce an FTE that is used annually in the Digest of Education Statistics.

Part-time undergraduate enrollment:
- Public 4-year (.403543)
- Private (not-for-profit and for-profit) 4-year (.392857)
- Public 2-year and <2-year (.335737)
- All other institutions (.397058)

Part-time graduate enrollment:
- Public 4-year (.361702)
- Private (not-for-profit and for-profit) 4-year (.382059)

IPEDS calculation of FTE students (using instructional activity):
The number of FTE students is calculated based on the credit and/or clock hours reported by the institution on the IPEDS 12-month enrollment (E12) component and the institution's calendar system, as reported on the IC Header component. The following table indicates the level of instructional activity used to convert the credit and/or clock hours reported to an indicator of full-time equivalents (FTE students):

Quarter calendar system enrollment level (one FTE over 12-month period):
- Undergraduate 45 credit hours, 900 clock hours
- Graduate 36 credit hours

Semester/trimester/4-1-4 plan/other calendar system enrollment level (one FTE over 12-month period):
- Undergraduate 30 credit hours 900 clock hours
- Graduate 24 credit hours

For institutions with continuous enrollment programs, FTE is determined by dividing the number of clock hours attempted by 900.

The total 12-month FTE is generated by summing the estimated or reported undergraduate FTE and the estimated or reported graduate FTE and reported Doctor's Professional Practice FTE.
Full-time student
(EWU definitions)
Undergraduate (other than international students): Students who are enrolled for at least 10 credit hours a quarter are considered full-time students for tuition purposes. Twelve credits are the minimum required for financial aid eligibility for full-time undergraduates.
Undergraduate (international students): Students who are enrolled for at least 12 credits.
Graduate (other than international students): [Students who are enrolled in] 10 or more quarter credits (of enrollment) for students on a quarter calendar or 15 quarter credits (of enrollment) for students on a semester calendar.
Graduate (international students): Students who are enrolled for at least 10 credits.
(AP 303-30)
Full-time student
(IPEDS definitions)
Undergraduate: A student enrolled for 12 or more semester credits, or 12 or more quarter credits, or 24 or more clock hours a week each term.
Graduate: A student enrolled for 9 or more semester credits, or 9 or more quarter credits, or a student involved in thesis or dissertation preparation that is considered full-time by the institution.
Doctor's degree - Professional practice: As defined by the institution.
Grade Point Average (GPA)To compute cumulative GPA:
1. Multiply numerical grade by the number of credits assigned for each course to determine the quality points for each course. Add the total number of quality points (QP). (Pass/No Credit grades are not computed in the GPA.)
2. Add the total number of numerically graded credits, for the total number of quality hours (QH).
3. Divide the total number of quality points by the total number of quality hours for the cumulative GPA.
(AP 303-24)
GradesSee AP 303-24 for the policies regarding grading, grade changes, and grade appeals.
Graduation rate formulaTo calculate a graduation rate, we need to define the cohort, a starting point in time, and an ending point in time. We then apply this formula:

Total # of students in the cohort who graduated between the starting point and the ending point
Divided by
(# of students in the cohort) - (# of students removed from the cohort)

Per IPEDS, students may be removed from a cohort if they left the institution for one of the following reasons: death or total and permanent disability; service in the armed forces (including those called to active duty); service with a foreign aid service of the federal government, such as the Peace Corps; or service on official church missions.
Graduation rate
(IPEDS standard)
Note: This definition is specific to IPEDS reporting. IR can calculate graduation rates for different cohorts and time periods.

The rate required for disclosure and/or reporting purposes under Student Right-to-Know Act. This rate is calculated as the total number of completers within 150% of normal time divided by the revised adjusted cohort.
Inactive studentA previously-active student who must re-apply to the university in order to take courses.STUDENT_STATUS <> 'AS'
International student
(IPEDS standard)
IPEDS categorizes an international student as a Nonresident alien and uses the following definition:

A person who is not a citizen or national of the United States and who is in this country on a visa or temporary basis and does not have the right to remain indefinitely.
STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE = 'TINS' or any VISA_TYPE except 'C' and 'PR'
JuniorA matriculating undergraduate student who has earned 90-134 cumulative quarter credits.
(AP 303-30)
Non-degree-seeking studentAlso known as a non-matriculating student

A student enrolled in courses for credit who is not recognized by the institution as seeking a degree or recognized postsecondary credential.
Part-time student
(EWU definitions)
Undergraduate: Students who are enrolled for fewer than 10 credits are considered part-time students.
Graduate: [Students who are enrolled in] 2–9 credits, except summer term only when registration may be for one credit.
(AP 303-30)
Part-time student
(IPEDS definitions)
Undergraduate: A student enrolled for either less than 12 semester or quarter credits, or less than 24 clock hours a week each term.
Graduate: A student enrolled for less than 9 semester or quarter credits.
Post-baccalaureate student
(EWU admissions category)
Any applicant with an undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited institution who is seeking course work toward a second bachelor’s degree, teacher certification or other course work that is not part of any Eastern graduate program.
(AP 303-21)
STUDENT_LEVEL is either 'PB' or 'PS' and STUDENT_POPULATION is none of these: 'E','H','M','Q'
Post-baccalaureate student
(EWU student classification)
A student who holds at least one earned undergraduate degree as documented with official university transcripts.
(AP 303-30)
STUDENT_LEVEL is either 'PB' or 'PS' and STUDENT_POPULATION is none of these: 'E','H','M','Q'
Race (IPEDS standard)IPEDS uses the following categories for a student's race:

American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Nonresident Alien
Two or more races

IPEDS also states that any student identifying as Hispanic/Latino, even if they identify with two or more races or non-resident alien status, are categorized as Hispanic/Latino.
Retention rate formulaTo calculate a retention rate, we need to define the cohort, a starting point in time, and an ending point in time. We then apply this formula:

(# of students in the cohort who continued into the following year) + (# of students in the cohort who graduated in the previous year)
Divided by
(# of students in the cohort) - (# of students removed from the cohort)

Per IPEDS, students may be removed from a cohort if they left the institution for one of the following reasons: death or total and permanent disability; service in the armed forces (including those called to active duty); service with a foreign aid service of the federal government, such as the Peace Corps; or service on official church missions.
Retention rate
(IPEDS standard)
Note: This definition is specific to IPEDS reporting. IR can calculate retention rates for different cohorts and time periods.

A measure of the rate at which students persist in their educational program at an institution, expressed as a percentage. For four-year institutions, this is the percentage of first-time bachelors (or equivalent) degree-seeking undergraduates from the previous fall who are again enrolled in the current fall. For all other institutions this is the percentage of first-time degree/certificate-seeking students from the previous fall who either re-enrolled or successfully completed their program by the current fall.
SeniorA matriculating undergraduate student who has earned at least 135 cumulative quarter credits.
(AP 303-30)
SophomoreA matriculating undergraduate student who has earned 45-89 cumulative quarter credits.
(AP 303-30)
State-support studentA state-support student meets all of the following criteria:
- The student is not a Running Start or College in the High School student
- The student is enrolled in at least one course that has the "F011 - State-Support Funding" course attribute
- That course is not a Military Science (MLSC) course
- The student is not using any of the following waivers to pay for their courses:
-- EWU Employee Tuition Waiver (code TETW)
-- National Guard Tuition Waiver (code TNGD)
-- Native American Indian Res. Tuition Waiver (code TNRN)
-- State Employee Tuition Waiver (code TSEW)
-- Washington State Patrol Tuition Waiver (code TWSP)
Student groupsStudents can be grouped into five distinct populations:
Matriculating undergraduate students
Matriculating graduate students
Matriculating post-baccalaureate students
Running Start students
Non-degree seeking students
AND ACS.STUDENT_POPULATION IN ('B','F','I','P','K','L','T','U','R','C')
AND ACS.STUDENT_POPULATION IN ('1','2','3','S','T','V','C','R')
AND ACS.STUDENT_POPULATION IN ('1','2','K','N','P','T','V','C','R','S')
Transfer student
(EWU admissions category)
A student who has earned 40 or more transferable credits.
(AP 303-21)
ADMISSIONS_POPULATION is either 'T2' or 'T4' and STUDENT_POPULATION is any of these: 'K','L','T','U','C'
Transfer student
(IPEDS definition)
Listed as a Transfer-in student in the IPEDS glossary

A student entering the reporting institution for the first time but known to have previously attended a postsecondary institution at the same level (e.g., undergraduate, graduate). This includes new students enrolled in the fall term who transferred into the reporting institution the prior summer term. The student may transfer with or without credit. For systems of coordinated institutions (multi-campus system), students are to be identified as transfer-in students upon entering an institution from another institution within the same coordinated system.
ADMISSIONS_POPULATION is either 'T2' or 'T4' and STUDENT_POPULATION is any of these: 'K','L','T','U','C'
Underrepresented studentA student who is classified by IPEDS as American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, or two or more races.
(EWU 2018-2023 Strategic Plan Core Themes)