Perkins Loan
Perkins Loan Borrower Resources and Forms
Make a One-Time Perkins Payment
Perkins Borrower Web Access
This web portal will allow you to view your Perkins Loan, print cancellation or deferment letters, or complete an exit interview. Under your profile you can update your address or elect to receive correspondence from Eastern via e-mail.
Step 1: Obtain EWU user name and password at
Step 2: Access Borrower Web Access at

Exit Interview
Once you graduate or withdraw from the university, or drop below half-time, you must complete an exit interview. This process informs you of our rights and responsibilities under the Federal Perkins Loan Program. You will be required to provide reference information at this time. You may complete your exit interview by following the steps above and clicking “Online Interviews” and then “Exit Interview”.
Repayment of your loan begins nine months after you graduate, withdraw from the university, or drop your enrollment below half-time. Once your loan enters repayment status, you will be given up to 10 years to repay the loan.
Monthly invoices are sent out on the 11th of each month with the due date the 1st of the following month. Payments received after the 10th of the month will be assessed an $8.00 late fee.
We have multiple options for making your monthly Perkins loan payment:
- Mail in a check with the top portion of your monthly invoice.
- Pay with cash or check in person in our Sutton Hall office.
- Make a one-time payment here: One-time payment
- Have your monthly payment automatically withdrawn from your checking account! Fill out the Perkins Loan ACH Authorization form and mail it to the address on the form.
Student Loan Interest Payments (1098E)
Eastern Washington University will generate 1098E forms for borrowers who have paid interest that totaled $600 or more in a calendar year to EWU while in repayment of a Perkins Loan. These forms will be mailed out by January 31. Interest that was paid may be deducted on your income tax return.
For borrowers that paid interest which totaled less than $600 we will mail out an informational letter the end of January informing you of the amount of interest paid for the year.
1098E Forms, informational letters and all interest payment information are also available via your Borrower Web Access Account under Online Forms.
Deferments and Cancellations
Student deferment: If you are enrolled at least half time at an eligible school, you qualify for a student deferment. If you are in school, we recommend you contact our office to ensure we have your most current enrollment status information.
Other deferments and cancellations: Are you a teacher, nurse, dental hygienist, or a surviving spouse of 9/11? There are numerous opportunities for some or your entire Perkins loan to be cancelled if you are employed full time in one of these fields and many others! Chapter 4 of the Perkins Loan Handbook outlines the details of this program.
You may also request a deferment if you are unemployed and seeking full time employment, experiencing economic hardship, working as a full time volunteer in certain programs or become disabled.
All forms are available via your Borrower Web Access Account under Online Forms.
Contact Us
Tascha Dempsey
Phone 509-359-6330
Fax 509-359-4832
For information see the U.S. Department of Education for the Federal Perkins Loan Handbook U.S. Department of Education