The following information is made available pursuant to RCW 28B.15.0681 (5)
EWU Revenue Sources
EWU reports all sources of institutional revenue in its annual audited financial statements. Please see the University’s page.

Tuition Revenue
Tuition revenue, as defined by RCW 28B.15.020, includes the operating fee and the building fee. Building fee revenue is appropriated by the legislature specifically for buildings, equipment, maintenance, and other capital projects. The pie chart and descriptions below show the major activities supported by the general fund for fiscal year 2025.
More than 48% of the general fund operating budget supports the faculty and staff directly delivering EWU’s instruction and service mission.
Primary Academic Support
Expenditures for services that directly support the academic functions of the institution such as academic administration. Examples include the Deans’ Offices, the Provost’s Office programs, academic advising, academic computing, course and curriculum development, and academic administrative support staff.
Supports staffing in library facilities and provides funding for library acquisitions and collection maintenance.
Student Services
Provides essential services supporting students in their path to degree, including admissions, financial aid, course registration, advising, counseling, career planning, recruitment, and activities with the primary purpose of contributing to student well-being and intellectual, cultural, and social development outside the context of the formal instruction program.
Institutional Support
Provides support for the day-to-day operation and supervision of Eastern Washington University. Services include human resources, accounting, payroll, purchasing, information technology, student and financial information systems, institutional research, intellectual property, administration, and compliance.
Maintenance and Operations of the Physical Campus
Includes activities to operate and maintain the campus. Expenses include utilities, routine building repair and maintenance, custodial, grounds care and maintenance, waste management, campus safety, and environmental health and safety.
Accountability and Performance Data
EWU reports accountability and performance to several entities. For more information, please see the Office of Institutional Research website at
Additional performance data for Eastern Washington University, as well as for Washington’s other public four-year universities and colleges, is available on the Office of Financial Management website.
Federal Tax Credit Programs
Students or their families may qualify for federal tax credit programs such as the American Opportunity Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit. All students are encouraged to inquire about these programs and apply for these credits, if applicable. For more information, please see the Internal Revenue Service Tax Benefits for Education Information Center website.