Student Financial Services
The Bursar’s Office
The Student Financial Services Office assists families with making payments for tuition, refunding excess financial aid, setting up direct deposit, and answering billing questions. We also offer assistance with third party reimbursements and guaranteed tuition plans.
Cost and Fees
1098-T Tuition Statement
Perkins Loan
Third Party Billing Services
Frequently Asked Questions
Payment Plans
Quick Links

Payment Methods
You have two options to pay your account on EagleNet. Pay by E-check with your bank account and routing number at no charge. You can pay by credit card using a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover. When using debit or credit cards you will be charged a non-refundable 2.95% (4.25% for international transactions) convenience fee. You can securely store payment information on EagleNet to facilitate future payments.
How to View or Pay Your Bill Online
Students can setup parents and others as authorized users so that they have the ability to make payments on the student’s behalf. Please see the instructions at the link below for assistance with setting up an authorized user.
Instructions to Add Authorized Users
Authorized User Link to Log in
Payments received by EWU consisting of cash, cashier’s checks, bank drafts, traveler’s checks, and money orders that total in excess of $10,000 (in one payment or a series of payments within 12 months) are reported to the IRS/FINCEN in accordance with IRC 6050I. This reporting may require additional information to be collected at the time of payment. Reporting is done on form 8300 filed with the IRS/FINCEN and a letter will be provided to each payor subject to this reporting requirement.
If you would like to mail in a check make it payable to Eastern Washington University and write the student identification number or NetID on the check. The cancelled check will serve as your receipt.
Mail Payments to: (DO NOT MAIL CASH)
Eastern Washington University
Student Financial Services
202 Sutton Hall
Cheney, WA 99004-2448
During our transition to a new payment system, the following link is being made available for payment of optional fees. Link to Miscellaneous Optional Fees
Our office implemented e-bills in Fall 2007. We no longer mail out paper bills. An e-mail will be sent to your EWU e-mail account the week before the quarter starts and on the 15th of the month if you owe a balance. When you receive the e-mail you can log into EagleNet under the Statement and Payments History tab to view and pay your bill online.
Students can access and pay their account online 24 hours a day. You can save a copy of your bill or forward it to your parents or other payers if needed.
To access: Eaglenet
Link: Statement and Payment History tab
EagleNet password help: (509) 359-2247
Questions? Contact us at (509) 359-6372
Payment Due Dates
Quarter Students
All tuition, housing, dining, and fees for quarter students are due by the 6th class day for fall, winter and spring term. A $75.00 late payment fee will be assessed on all accounts with an unpaid balance after the due date.
Fall 2024 | Oct 2, 2024 |
Winter 2025 | Jan 13, 2025 |
Spring 2025 | Apr 7, 2025 |
Summer 2025 | June 30, 2025 |
*Semester Students
All tuition, housing, dining, and fees for semester students are due on the due date for fall and spring semester. A $112.50 late payment fee will be assessed on all accounts with an unpaid balance after the due date.
Fall 2024 | Aug 26, 2024 |
Spring 2025 | Jan 13, 2025 |
Summer 2025 | May 12, 2025 |
*Eastern Washington University is a quarter based school; however, the College of Health Science and Public Health operates on a semester schedule.
Student with unpaid accounts at the end of the term will be subject to collection activities and may incur additional fees associated with collecting the account.
For information about summer payment due dates see the summer session web site at
Receiving Your Excess Financial Aid
We refund financial aid daily. You can determine if your financial aid has disbursed to your student account by checking your EagleNet account. Financial aid is first applied to the outstanding charges on your student account; any excess credit would be refunded to you. Refunding options include direct deposit or mail out check.
DIRECT DEPOSIT: To sign up for direct deposit complete the Direct Deposit Authorization form. Direct deposit funds are available the first day of the quarter.
MAIL OUT CHECK: A check will be mailed out the first day of the quarter; it takes an average of 3 to 5 days for delivery. Checks can be cashed at any Bank of America branch with a $6.00 fee for non-Bank of America customers.
Non-Financial Aid Refunds: To request a refund for a non-financial aid credit send a request to (please include student ID and name), or call us at 509-359-6372. For students that do not have direct deposit set up there is a $15.95 check processing fee.
Direct Deposit

Setting up direct deposit is simple through Before you start, ensure you have your checking or savings account number and bank routing number on hand. You can use the QR code, or the directions below!
- Click “My Account” at the top right of the page.
- Select “View Direct Deposit.”
- Under Accounts Payable, click “Add New.”
If you encounter any issues, feel free to contact us between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. We’re here to help!
Your account information is verified by a process called pre-noting. The account verification process can take 4-5 days. If a refund is processed while your account is in Pre-note status it will be generated as a check.
Short Term Loans
The Short Term Loan Program is available to all registered EWU students enrolled at least half-time (five credits for master’s/doctoral candidates, six credits for all others). Applications are available in our office, EWU Spokane Student Services, or online.
Loan applications can be turned in the day before the quarter begins with a check available for pick up the first day of school after 10am. The Short Term Loan Program will close at the end of the seventh week of each quarter (Fall, Winter, and Spring) or at the end of the fourth week of the eight week session during Summer. The program may close earlier if funds are depleted.
The loan is $400, less a $15 processing fee. The loan must be repaid within 60 days*. Short Term Loans may be repaid at any time before the due date without penalty. We reserve the right to deny loan applications if:
- You already have an outstanding Short Term Loan;
- You are currently past due on a Short Term Loan; and/or
- You have paid a prior Short Term Loan after the due date.
Note: Any outstanding Short Term Loan balance prior to the beginning for Fall Quarter must be paid in full before Fall financial aid will be disbursed.
Financial Holds
There is one hold that is placed by the Student Financial Services office for past due accounts.
Balances over $1,000.00 This hold prevents registration activity.
A hold can be avoided by paying your account balance in full and on time. To have the hold removed simply log into EagleNet and pay the past due balance, the hold will be automatically removed within a half hour.
If you have a hold that prevents you from making a payment on EagleNet please contact us at (509) 359-6372 for more information.
Personal Financial Resources aka Financial Literacy
EWU and WSECU offer information that teaches you financially healthy behavior. This information can be helpful for all stages of life, not just college.
Uncashed Checks Process
In accordance with the requirements detailed in the Federal Student Aid Handbook, Volume 4: Processing Aid & Managing FSA Funds, particularly under Cash Management as detailed in 34 CFR Subpart K which includes subsections on Escheating of FSA Funds and Returning Unclaimed Funds and the requirements detailed in the Washington state financial aid manual, chapters 5 and 6:
Federal Aid:
The university must return to the Department of Education any Federal Student Aid (FSA) program funds, except Federal Work Study (FWS) Program funds, that it attempts to disburse directly to a student or parent if the student or parent does not receive the funds or cash the check.
If an EFT to a student’s or parent’s financial account is rejected, or a check to a student or parent is returned, a school may make additional attempts to disburse the funds, provided that those attempts are made no later than 45 days after the EFT was rejected, or the check returned. An email will be sent to the student’s official email of record. In cases where the school does not make another attempt, the funds must be returned to the Department of Education before the end of this 45-day period.
However, the school must cease all attempts to disburse the funds and ensure that all unclaimed credit balance funds are returned no later than 240 days after the date it issued the check. All unclaimed credit balances must be returned—there is no de minimis amount.
State Aid:
If a student fails to cash their Washington state financial aid check or pickup any remaining funds by the close of the academic year, the funds shall be returned to the program at Washington Student Achievement Council.
The following steps are utilized by the Bursar’s Office to ensure that the university is in compliance with these requirements:
- Initial Communication – Email (Within 30 Days):
An email is sent to the student notifying them of the uncashed check and reminding them to cash it. It is also emphasized to the student that the check will become null and void after 90 days. Included in this email are clear instructions on how to resolve the issue.
- Follow-Up Communication – Email / Final Notice (Within 60 Days):
If the check remains uncashed after 60 days, a follow-up email is sent to the student. The second email serves as a reminder and provides an opportunity for the student to address any issues they may have in cashing the check. It is once again emphasized to the student that the check will become null and void after 90 days.
- Return of Funds (After 90 Days or at the end of the school year for Washington state financial aid):
The check will become null and void after 90 days. At that point in time, the FSA funds are returned to the Department of Education.