We have provided several operational reports/dashboards for campus users responsible for monitoring their department’s budget and financial activities, located at the link below.
These reports include the following:
Budget Status by College/Unit/Department by Index code
- This report provides summary and detailed information for the current budget status of a department. This information includes Original and Adjusted Budget, Selected Fiscal Period and YTD activity, Commitments, and Remaining Balance.
- Tabs at the top of the screen provide views for summary, detail, and crosstab detail without totals, which can be downloaded for additional data analysis.
- Filter this report by fiscal year, period, revenue or expenses, Org/Division level. You can also filter based on fund, index, account, program, etc.
- Use this report to get a snapshot of your budget status for a given period of time.
Comprehensive Permanent Budget Level by Index Code
- This report provides summary and detailed information on the permanent budget level for a department. This information includes revenue, expense, and net balance by accounts.
- Tabs at the top of the screen provide views for summary and detail, which can be downloaded for additional data analysis.
- Filter this report by fiscal year, period, revenue or expenses, Org/Division level. You can also filter based on fund, index, account, program, etc.
- The detail tab can be filtered by rule class BD01 to view original budget.
- Use this report to get a snapshot of your permanent budget level for a given period of time.
Position Budgets
- This report provides position information by vacancies, fund, position, and index for both current year positions and permanently funded positions.
- Filter this report based on fiscal year, period, org levels, and index.
- Access this report by choosing “Specialty > Budget Reporting” then choosing one of the options under “Position Budgets.”
Year to Date Actual activity by Unit and Year-over-Year Trends
- This report provides summary and detailed information on the year to date transaction history for a department. This information includes revenue, expense by labor and direct expense, transfers in and out, and net balance by department.
- Filter this report by fiscal year, period, revenue or expenses, Org/Division level. You can also filter based on fund, index, account, program, etc.
- Use this report to get a snapshot of your transactional history for a given period of time.
- Use the Year-over-Year Trends report to view multiple years of activity for analysis.
Transaction History
- This reports also provides summary and detailed information on the year to date transaction history for a department. This information includes detailed line transactions with document numbers, transaction dates and transaction descriptions.
- The Transaction History (with Payroll Info) allows users to drill into payroll transaction history.
- Select fiscal year, period, division, department, etc. from the Summary or Details YTD tabs. Click on the Account field and choose “click to see payroll detail” link. This will load payroll detailed transactions by position, person, and payroll period.
Payroll Distribution by Fund and Employee
- This report provides the detailed payroll transactions based on pay period. This information is available by fund and employee ID, providing line item details for each payroll document, index, and account code.
- Filter this report based on the beginning and ending payroll number, fiscal year, and org level.
- Access this report by choosing “Specialty > Payroll Reporting” then choosing one of the options under “Payroll Distribution.”
Other Specialty reports are available, including various areas across Financial Services.