Detailed Council and Committee

The council/committee structure is the method by which the Faculty Organization ensures that the views of the entire faculty are represented. Currently, the Faculty Organization is comprised of the Executive Board (the 4 elected officers and the immediate past president ), the Academic Senate, the Rules Committee, the Academic Appeals Board, the Academic Committee for Innovation & Technology , the Academic Integrity Board, Academic Programs Assessment Committee, the Course and Program Approval Committees, the Faculty Values Committee, the General Education Committee, the Global Programs Academic Committree, the Graduate Affairs Council, the Honors Advisory Board, the Library Affairs Committee, the Policy Development and Review Committee, the Program Review Committee, the Research and Scholarship Committee, and the Undergraduate Affairs Council with their subcommittees, task forces and special committees formed to deal with policy in specific areas.

Expectations of our Council Chairs

Accepting the Council Chair position means a commitment to do the following:

Chair all the meetings of the council

There are 12-13 meetings a year.  Each council meets twice monthly during the academic year except during breaks and holidays. The Faculty Organization Administrative Assistant sets the dates and meeting rooms for all the council meetings as well as those of the Academic Senate and Rules Committee.

Membership on the Rules Committee

There are 12-13 meetings a year. The Rules Committee is comprised of all Council Chairs, chair of the Faculty Values Committee, the Faculty Organization officers, a representative from the ASEWU and a representative from the administration.  Rules is responsible for setting the agenda for the Academic Senate.  Issues sent from the Senate for council work or from the administration for approval are discussed at Rules and Rules decides which council will work on the issue. Rules meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. except for weeks with a Monday holiday, when they meet on Tuesday.

Carry proposals to and from the Council

The Council Chair is charged with taking proposals from the Rules Committee to their council members for discussion. Once a proposal has been discussed, revised, etc., and approved by the council, the chair returns the proposal to Rules with the council’s recommendations. Proposals can be referred to a council’s subcommittees when appropriate.

Set Council agendas, draft the minutes and prepare Council and Committee Report for Rules

The Council Chair sets the agenda, drafts minutes (**does not apply to GAC or UAC), reports to Rules and prepares a 2-3 sentence council update for distribution to Senate.  The council update needs to be sent to the Administrative Assistant the Wednesday after each Rules meeting.  The Faculty Organization Administrative Assistant sends meeting materials prepared by council chairs to council members prior to each meeting.  Drafted minutes from each meeting need to be sent to the Administrative Assistant for the official record.  (** The Administrative Assistant attends all GAC and UAC meetings and prepares minutes for both councils which will be posted to the Faculty Organization website.)

Filling Council and subcommittee vacancies

The Council Chair works with the Faculty Organization office to get vacancies filled as quickly as possible.  The Council Chair is  responsible for checking attendance and keeping the Administrative Assistant informed if there is a member who is not attending meetings. When a member misses three meetings in one quarter without an explanation, he or she should be automatically removed from the council and notified by the Faculty Organization Administrative Assistant.

Representation from all colleges

It is custom, whenever possible, to have all colleges and the Library represented on each council. Council Chairs are responsible for speaking with their departments on issues being addressed that may affect their area.

The Academic Appeals Board (AAB) considers and acts on appeals from students who believe that rules pertaining to the general requirements for graduation are being applied incorrectly in their case or that circumstances require special consideration. This board handles Undergraduate appeals and reports to the Undergraduate Affairs Councils, while an administrator convenes the meetings.

Members 2024-25

Brian Buchanan (Geosciences)

Parker Shaw (Modern Lang & Literatures)

Paul Lindholdt (English & Philosophy)

Matt Chase (Wellness & Movement Sciences)

Suzanne Milton (Libraries)

Andrew Oster (Mathematics)

Danielle Sitzman (Psychology)

Rob Sauders (Geosciences)

Ex-officio, Non-voting Members

Allison Swenson/convener

Scott Eubanks, Graduate Studies Director

Meetings are scheduled by committee

The Academic Committee for Innovation and Technology (ACIT) is a group of faculty, staff, and students who are committed to identifying, facilitating, and advocating for technology in order to enhance teaching, learning, research, and other scholarly activities across the university. ACIT advises the Office of Information Technology (OIT) and Academic Affairs (AA) on the standards, guidelines, policies, and planning that supports the academic use of technology by researching and reviewing technology, advising on priorities for academic technology initiatives, and by providing a forum for investigation, and communication on new academic teaching and learning technologies and trends.

Members 2024-25

Colin Manikoth (Design)

Sheryln Wachtel (Nursing)

Chris Cain (Computer Sci & Elect Eng)

Kate Crane (English)

Suzanne Rieseberg (Computer Sci & Elect Eng)

Kassahun Kebede (Sociology & Justice Studies)

Eldonna Shaw-Davis (Management)

Rose Krause (Libraries)

Carlos Castillo-Garsow (Mathematics)

John Marshall (Music)

Matthew Michaelis (Mechanical Engineering & Technology)

Ex-officio, Non-voting Members

Brad Christ (Co-Chair), AVP for Information Technology, Chief Information Officer

Jeff Healy, Senior Mgr. Instructional Technology & Web Services

Cindy Nover, Faculty Commons Committee Rep

Johnny Curtis, ASEWU


Designee of Provost

Meeting Schedule for 2024-25

October 3, November 7, December 5, January 9, February 6, March 6, April 3, and May 1.

Meetings will be held via Zoom.

The Academic Integrity Board (AIB) is a standing committee of the Faculty Organization.   The Academic Integrity Board is responsible for administering and managing academic integrity functions.  The AIB shall:  a) promote academic integrity at EWU; b) review academic integrity cases, make determinations as to whether a violation occurred, and impose academic and/or institutional sanctions; c) assist vice provosts in development of academic integrity program support resources; d) respond, as appropriate, to campus needs related to the academic integrity program; e) coordinate AIB activities with the vice provosts; and, f) continually assess academic integrity process outcomes to ensure equitability of sanctions vis-a-vis violations.


LaVona Reeves (CAHSS)

Timothy Hilton (CPP)

Andrew Oster (CSTEM);


Maggie apRoberts-Warren (CPP)

Jaclyn Parrott (Libraries)

Johnny Curtis (ASEWU Rep)

Ex-officio, Non-voting Members

Leslie Swannack

Heather Veeder, VP Academic Affairs


Tracey McHenry (CAHSS)


Jason Stoke (CSTEM)

Goitom Tsegay (CPP)

James Rosenzweig (Libraries)

Meeting Schedule for 2024-25

October 3, October 17, November 7, November 21, December 5, January 16, February 6, February 20, March 6, March 20, April 3, April 17, and May 1.

Meetings will be held via Zoom from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

The Academic Programs Assessment Committee (APAC) is a hybrid committee shared by the Faculty Organization and Academic Affairs. It shall advise the faculty and Academic Affairs, on matters relating to assessment, including assessment planning, best practices in assessment, and assessment requirements for university and program accreditation. The APAC approves program assessment plans, reviews annual college assessment summaries, and the annual general education assessment report. Together with administrators, the committee writes an annual report about the state of assessment in the university’s academic programs. APAC collaborates with academic programs and colleges to develop academic program assessment plans and facilitate implementation. APAC supports the work of the College Assessment Committees to promote and advance effective assessment of student learning in their programs. APAC will provide resources for the assessment of teaching and learning, in collaboration with administration and staff, and will advise on the assessment of other university goals and outcomes. Additional topics APAC will address include fostering the incorporation of best practices into course and program assessment and integrating assessment with accreditation efforts at the university, school, and departmental level.


Jenny Hyde (CAHSS – Faculty Rep)

Brian Donahue (Assessment Committee – CHSPH)

Jennifer Waldo (Assessment Committee – CSTEM)

Christopher Heckert (Assessment Committee – CPP)

Leanna McManus (CHSPH Faculty Rep)

Faculty Co-Chair Jen Waldo (CSTEM Faculty Rep)

Sue Magyar (GEC Rep)

Amanda Reedy (CPP Assc Dean Rep)


Drew Ayers (GAC Rep)

Johnny Curtis (ASEWU)

Tiffany Jones Co-Chair  (Associate Director of Assessment).

Meeting Schedule for 2023-2024

October 10, October 24, November 14, January 9, January 23, February 13, February 27, March 12, April 9, April 23, and May 14.

Meetings to be held via Zoom from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

The Academic Senate is the legislative arm of the Faculty Organization as established in the Faculty Organization constitution. The Academic Senate shall provide the means whereby members of the faculty can participate fully in the formulation of policy, share in the consideration of decisions regarding policy, and take part in the development of recommendations to be acted on by the Board of Trustees or implemented within current board policy. The major purposes shall be: (a) to formulate and recommend policies relative to university programs, degree requirements, instruction, student life and faculty welfare; (b) to provide advice and counsel to the President of the University and others regarding the interpretation and implementation of policies; (c) to coordinate and articulate the efforts of faculty, administration and the Board of Trustees in the improvement of the university and its services, and (d) to coordinate the efforts and activities of the faculty on matters of general interest and concern in carrying out the mission of the university. The president and vice president of the Faculty Organization shall be the chair and vice chair of the senate.


Senate Roster

Meeting Schedule for 2023-2024

October 9, October 30,  November13, January 8, January 22, February 12, February 26, March 11, April 8, April 22, May 13, and May 27.

Meetings will be held in TAW 215 A/B/C from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

The function of the Council of Faculty Representatives (CFR) is to participate in the development and maintenance of relations with the legislature, its committees, and its members; to gather and prepare materials relevant to the legislative concerns of the university; to assist in the establishment of legislative priorities; to support and guide the activities of the EWU Committee of the Council of Faculty Representatives; and to inform the Senate as may be necessary of legislative problems and prospects.


Member is the current legislative liaison.  For 2024-25 Sam Ligon

Course and Program Approval Committees (CPAC) review new courses, majors and programs and proposed changes (including removal) to existing courses, majors and programs and make recommendations to the relevant committee for approval or non-approval. There are one or more CPAC’s that report to each of the following: the Undergraduate Affairs Council (for undergraduate courses and programs), the Graduate Affairs Council (for graduate courses and programs), and the General Education Council (for general education courses and sequences).  CPAC peer reviews course and program proposals in order to maintain acceptable standards of quality in the courses and programs offered at Eastern Washington University.  To fulfill this function, the committee serves to ensure that courses and programs are pedagogically and philosophically sound (according to generally accepted standards); that program descriptions and course syllabi are clear and understandable; that the proposals (course/program) fit the university mission and strategic plan; that credits and course numbers match specified workload and level.  The committee is also responsible for resolving questions concerning course numbering, course duplication, applicability of grading system (pass/no credit or grade), and other questions that may arise pertaining to changes in the relevant courses and programs, including compliance with applicable faculty organization and administration guidelines as well as university policies.  The committee is also responsible for determining the process required to review and approve courses and programs, including the addition and revision of forms and/or software information entry systems.

Members of Undergraduate CPAC

John Davies (Communication Studies)

Co-Chair Nicholas Larsen (Economics)

Shamima Yasmin (Computer Sci & Elect Eng)

Shavonda Devereaux (Public Health/Health Admin)

Joseph Lenti (History, Anthropology, MLL)

On Sabbatical 2024-25 – Mindy Breen (Design)

Co-Chair For 2024-25 Travis Masingale (Design)

Jamie Chaffin (Psychology)

Heidi Iwashita (Communication Sciences & Disorders))

Dale Garraway (Mathematics)

Suzie Henning (Education)

Johnny Curtis – ASEWU member

Ex-officio, Non-voting Members

Mark Ward

Meeting Schedule for 2024-2025

October 1, October 15, November 5, November 19, December 3, January 7, January 21, February 4, February 18, March 4, March 18, April 1, April 15.

Meetings will be held via Zoom from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Members of Graduate CPAC 1

Chair TBD

Members of Graduate CPAC 2

Chair TBD

The Executive Committee is the meeting of the four elected officers of the Faculty Organization; President, Vice President/President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and the immediate past president. The committee normally meets to discuss items that are to be forwarded to Rules and Senate however, sometimes action must be taken before a Senate meeting. In that case, the Executive Committee may act and report their decisions and actions to senate as soon as possible.

The Faculty Commons Committee (FCC) is a Faculty Organization Committee. It works collaboratively with and advises the Faculty Commons Director and the Faculty Organization to create a communication plan, strategic plan, and budget for the Faculty Commons. The FCC assists with planning and implementing Faculty Commons activities; communicates with other entities across campus including, but not limited to IT, Student Affairs, GSS, Grants Office, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Advising, Library, Office of Community Engagement, and academic units and departments to identify needs and support for faculty development; provides a forum for ideas and research on improving teaching and learning; facilitates communication across campus regarding faculty development; processes proposals from faculty and staff to develop Faculty Commons activities; and collects and analyzes data on the efficacy of the Faculty Commons activities. The FCC may form task forces to work on particular issues and invite faculty, staff, and administrators from around campus onto task forces. The FCC serves as an advisory group to the Faculty Commons Director and consults and provides feedback to the Faculty Commons Director on policies and procedures.

Members 2024-25

Parker Shaw (History, Anthro, Modern Lang/Literatures)

Awlad Hossain, (Mechanical Eng & Technology)

Camille Frank, (School of Psychology)

Erin Dascher, Geosciences

Viktoria Taroudaki (Mathematics)

Sanmeet Kaur (Computer Sci & Elect Eng)

Rie Kobayashi, Social Work

Ann LeBar (History (Anthropology, Modern Languages & Literatures)

Qing Stellwagon (Libraries)

Sarah Jackson (Dental Hygiene)

Faculty Chair

Ex-officio, Non-voting Members

Faculty Commons Director, Cindy Nover

Provost or Designee, Jon Anderson

Community Engagement

Sr. Mgr. Instructional Technology and Web Services, Jeff Healy

VP for Diversity & Inclusion,

General Education Director,

Meetings are scheduled by committee

The Faculty Values Committee (FVC) was created to maintain the values of the faculty and to work with the administration, from the President to the Vice Presidents in different areas and Deans, to resolve communication difficulties. It conducts surveys that allow faculty to evaluate deans and associate deans, and upper administrators and reports the results of those surveys to those evaluated, their supervisors, and the surveyed faculty. The Committee will establish the schedule of evaluations and update it as needed. They may also work in other ways to strengthen the position of the faculty in the University, which includes issues related to shared governance, academic freedom, and faculty autonomy, as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Members For 2024-25

Kevin Decker (English & Philosophy)

Tara Haskins (Education)

David Syphers (Physics)

Renee Bailey (Education)

Daaiyah Akram (Public Health)

Sean Chabot (Sociology & Justice Studies)

Kelly Evans (Libraries)

Martin Meraz-Garcia (Chicano/a/x Studies)

Lauren Stachowiak (Geosciences)

Ex-officio, Non-voting Members

FO President Carlos Castillo-Garsow

FO Vice President/President Elect Ginelle Hustrulid

Meetings will be determined by the committee.

formerly Critical Foundations Council

This council has the primary responsibility for overseeing the General Education (GE) system for general education. This council has the following responsibilities: in collaboration with the General Education Director, Oversee General Education: work with ad hoc committees to develop criteria for courses and course sequences for inclusion in general education; maintain policies for the review and approval of general education courses; review courses and course sequences for inclusion in general education; in the implementation phase of a new general education model, to create processes by which faculty, staff, and administration can make the transition to the revised general education curriculum; serve in an advisory capacity to Undergraduate Affairs in scheduling general education courses, assessing capacity issues, etc.; provide framework and propose policies about how course work at other universities or at EWU can meet the general education requirements where the policy is unclear; and provide coordination between general education curriculum structure and majors. Faculty Development: identify the need for workshops, training, and resources for meeting the requirements of general education, and for assessing its goals; work with faculty in small groups and one-on-one to help them to develop strong proposals for general education and appropriate clusters/integrated/FYE sequences; in coordination with the Faculty Commons, sponsor teaching and learning development activities that support GE pedagogy. Assessment: work with the appropriate constituencies to develop and maintain outcomes for general education and coordinate assessment for those outcomes; develop a process of program review for the effectiveness of GE as a whole.

Members 2024-25

LaVona Reeves (English & Philosophy)

Jenny Hyde (Fine and Performing Arts)

Sue Magyar (Interdisciplinary Studies)

Erica Pence (Social Work)

James Rosenzweig (Libraries)

Michael Meyer (Computer Sci & Elect Eng)

Jose Garcia-Sanchez (Hist, Anthro/Mod Lang & Lit)

Maggie apWarren (Economics)

Ex-officio, Non-voting Members

Johnny Curtis, ASEWU member

Kate Crane – Director of Composition

General Education Director

– Dean CAHSS

Heather Veeder – Director of CAAR Representative

Gen Ed Faculty Fellow

Meeting Schedule for 2024-2025

October 2, October 16, November 6, November 20, December 4, January 15, February 5, February 19, March 5, March 19, April 2, April 16, and May 7.

Meetings will be via Zoom in the fall from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

The Global Programs Academic Committee is responsible for developing, maintaining and assessing the Global and International Studies curriculum of the university, enhancing international and Study Abroad opportunities for students and faculty, supporting international visiting scholars and faculty exchanges and encouraging a more global and international campus environment.

Members 2024-25

Zaara Sarwar (Biology)

Daaiyah Akram (Public Health)

Chair Viktoria Taroudaki (Mathematics)

Jessica Allen (Biology)

Ed Slack (History)

Kerry Kissinger (Education)

Bob Zinke (Public Administration)

Bipasha Biswas (Social Work)

Min-Sung Koh (Computer Science & Elect Eng)

Sheila Woodward (Fine & Performing Arts)

Liya Deng (Libraries)

Ex-officio, Non-voting Members

Kristian Guilfoyle, AUAP Director

Gina Petrie, Global Student Services, Director

Meeting Schedule for 2024-25

October 1, October 15, November 5, November 19, December 3, January 7, January 21, February 4, February 18, March 4, March 18, April 1, and April 15.

Meetings will be held via Zoom from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

The Graduate Affairs Council (GAC) advises on matters involving the graduate programs of the university which includes curriculum, admissions, program development, course approval, degree requirements, program approval, follow-up, advanced placement, academic standards, and academic counseling. Each faculty and student member of the committee will serve on one of two Graduate Course and Program Approval Committees (CPAC) or the Policy Development and Review Committee (PDRC).

Members 2024-25

Jamie Lawyar (Psychology)

Dustin Semb (Business)

Dane Vulcan (Occupational Therapy)

Brian Davenport (Organizational Leadership)

Chair Drew Ayers (Fine & Performing Arts)

Camille McNeely, winter, spring (Biology)

Katie Walker (Children’s Studies)

LaVona Reeves (English & Philosophy)

Keely Hope (Psychology)

Ex-officio, Non-voting Members

Scott Eubanks

TBD (Graduate Student)

Provost or designee

Meeting Schedule for 2024-2025

October 9, October 23, November 13, December 11, January 8, January 22, February 12, February 26, March 12, April 9, April 23, and May 14.

Meetings will be held in 141-142 CMC from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

The Honors Advisory Board advises the Honors Program Director on proposed substantive changes to the Honors Program.  The board participates in the development and revision of the Honors Program’s curriculum, goals, and objectives, and conducts the periodic review of the work of the Honors Program Director.  Board members are expected to familiarize themselves with the honors curriculum and best practices in honors curricula and programming, and are encouraged to  participate, as possible, in honors admissions, colloquia, and student recognition events.

Members 2024-25

David Syphers (Physics)

Paul Lindholdt (English & Philosophy)

Faculty Chair TBD

Jenifer Walke (Biology)

Garth Babcock (WAMS)

Yanxin Liu (Management)

Jacki Taylor (History, Anthro, Modern Lang & Literatures)

2 ASEWU members (one upper division and one lower division)

Ex-officio, Non-voting Members

(Faculty at-large)

Natalia Ruiz-Rubio (Special Asst to Provost for Honors/co-Director)

Rebecca Clark (McNair’s Director)

Meetings are scheduled by committee

The Policy Development and Review Committee (PDRC) is responsible for the development of new policies and procedures governing graduate programs.  It is a subcommittee of the Graduate Affairs Council.

Members 2024-25


By WSAC policy, all programs at state four-year institutions of higher education must undergo periodic review following specific guidelines. Summaries of the results of those reviews are to be reported to WSAC which, in turn, reports to the Governor and the legislature. The PRC has been established to coordinate the reviews of several graduate and undergraduate programs each year. It reviews the self-studies and other materials produced by the departments and makes recommendations as to whether changes need to be made to the program. Both the Graduate Affairs Council and Undergraduate Affairs Council confirm the faculty appointments to this committee while an administrator convenes the meetings.

Members 2024-25

Kristina Ploeger-Hekmatpanah (Music)

Lynn Anidi (Public Health & Health Administration)

Ann Van Wig (Education)

Greg Spatz (Creative Writing)

Chadron Hazelbaker, (WAMS) Chair

Sue Nelson (Finance)

Deanna Trella (Social Work)

Awlad Hossain (Mechanical & Comp Engineering)

James McCuistion (Mechanical Eng & Tech)

Johnny Curtis (ASEWU member)

Ex-officio, Non-voting Members

Jake Morrison

Sarah O’Hare

Meeting Schedule for 2024-2025:

October 3, October 17, November 7, November 21, December 5, January 16, February 6, February 20, March 6, March 20, April 3, April 17, and May 1.

Meetings will be held from 12:30 – 2:30 via Zoom.

The Research and Scholarship Committee (RSC) is primarily responsible for the evaluation of professional leave and summer grant proposals as well as the selection of international exchange faculty.

Members 2024-25

Courtney Jensen (Public Administration)

Jiawen Wang (Education)

Daryl Traylor (PHHA)

Michael Addams (Accounting)

Kelly Evans (Libraries)

Donna Bachand (Nursing)

Pete Porter (Film)

Yves Nievergelt (Mathematics)

Ex-officio, Non-voting Members

Gwen Cash-Jones (convener)

Meetings are scheduled by committee

The Rules Committee is the committee through which information is passed from the committees and councils to Senate and vice versa. At each Rules meeting, council and committee chairs report the activities of their committees and those subcommittees that report to them. Rules also approves agenda items for the following Senate meeting, refers them to a council or committee for further work, tables them for later consideration or determines they should not be forwarded to Senate. It also prepares lists of nominees for council and committee membership and offices.

Members 2024-25

Carlos Castillo-Garsow (Senate Chair)

Ginelle Hustrulid (Senate Vice Chair)

Shelly Shaffer (Senate Secretary)

Kelly Evans (Senate Treasurer)

Pui-Yan Lam (Past President)

Dale Garraway (at-large member)

LaVona Reeves (at-large member)

(at-large member)

Colin Manikoth (ACIT Faculty Co-Chair)

Tiffany Jones (APAC Co-Chair)

James Rosenzweig (GEC Co-Chair)

Erica Pence (GEC Co-Chair)

Drew Ayers (GAC)

Bipasha Biswas (GPAC Chair)

Chadron Hazelbaker (PRC Chair)

Kathryn Baldwin (January UAC Co-Chair)

Donna Bachand (Winter UAC Co-Chair)

Steven Bingo (Fall UAC Co-Chair)

German Izon (UAC Co-Chair)

Johnny Curtis (ASEWU)

Ex-officio, Non-voting Members

Jackie Coomes, Designee of Provost

Meeting Schedule for 2024-2025

October 7, October 21, November 4, December 2, January 6, January 21, February 3, February 18, March 3, April 7, April 21, and May 5.

Meetings will be held in 141-142 CMC from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

The Student Success & Retention Committee (SSRC) advises Academic Affairs and the Academic Senate on standards, policies, planning, and practices that pertain to student retention and success at EWU. Areas of focus may include, but are not limited to, the study of existing knowledge about best practices in student success and retention, closing equity gaps by considering intersectional student identities, achieving universal access in curriculum and co-curriculum design and execution, differing definitions and measures of success, and the experiences of other institutions regarding student success, advising, and retention. The committee will create task forces to generate and recommend strategies to empower students’ ownership of their collegiate success; the committee will help facilitate collaboration among faculty, administration, and staff to: a) promote coordinated efforts between faculty, the various advising systems, and student support services to better meet students’ academic and advising needs, b) strengthen students’ sense of belonging and cultivate student relationships to faculty and the broader campus community, c) adopt practices that centers diversity, equity, inclusion and justice in every strategy, d) develop systems to assist students in completing their degree in a timely and academically enriching manner, and e) discuss the possibilities for the committee to assist with recruitment efforts.

Members 2024-25

Margaret Dobbins (Mathematics)

Lorie Speer, Dental Hygiene

Shanna Davis, Psychology

Krisztian Magori, Biology – On Leave Fall

Deb Svoboda (Social Work)

ASEWU (Undergraduate)

ASEWU (Professional Programs)

Gwen Cash-James, Provost Designee

Carlos Castillo-Garsow, Fac Org President

Ginelle Hustrulid, Fac Org Vice President

Lea Jarnagin, VP Student Affairs Designee

Kim Davis, VP Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Designee

Cola Boyer, Director Tribal Relations

Jake Morrison, Director Institutional Research

Meetings for 2024-2025:

October 18, November 15, January 17, February 21, March 21, April 18, and May 16.

Room to be determined.

The Undergraduate Affairs Council’s (UAC) function is to advise on matters involving the undergraduate programs of the university including, but not limited to, curriculum, admissions, program development and approval, course approval, degree requirements, honors, academic standards, advising, academic support, transfers, and online/hybrid learning.

Members 2024-25

Charlotte Milling (Biology) – Fall

Justin Bastow (Biology) – Winter/Spring

Chris Cain (Computer Sci & Elect Eng)

Winter Co-Chair Donna Bachand (Nursing)

Liya Deng (Libraries)

Fall Co-Chair Steven Bingo (Libraries)

Lynn Anidi (Public Health/Health Administration)

Co-Chair German Izon (Economics)

Fred Liu (Management)

January Co-Chair Kathryn Baldwin (Education)

Miguel Novella (Modern Languages)

Johnny Curtis (ASEWU)

Ex-officio, Non-voting Members

AVP for Enrollment Services

Allison Swenson, Admin Reg Analyst 3

Travis Masingale, Co-Chair of CPAC

Nick Larsen, Co-Chair of CPAC

Meeting Schedule for 2024-2025

October 10, October 24, November 14, December 12, January 9, January 23, February 13, February 27, March 13, April 10, April 24, and May 8. Additional meeting added November 7, 2024

Meetings will be held via Zoom from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.


The Faculty Organization Executive Committee also nominates faculty members for the Intellectual Property Committee, the Commission on Gender Equity, Academic Affairs Faculty Budget Committee; the University Budget Committee (UBC); EWU Scholarship Committee, Student Tech Fee Committee, University Recreation Center Advisory Council, Student Transportation Fee Committee, Digital Media Advisory Committee, and other committees as requested by the administration. In these cases, the administration generally requests multiple nominations for each available position from the Executive Committee and makes the appointment.