Thomas Hammer, food trucks arrive on campus

While the new school year has just begun – so has the introduction of a few new things on campus. Food trucks, a new Thomas Hammer Coffee shop in JFK library, introduction of Einstein Bros, and relocation of EWU bookstore have all been prepared and functioning for service. To learn more, check out the full … Read more

Thomas Hammer Relocation 16′ (JFK) – AE1545

<a href=”” title=” < return to projects page Scope of Work: Renovate a space in the JFK Library to accommodate a Thomas Hammer coffee shop. Total Budget: $80,000 Current Project Phase: Complete Design Consultant: NAC Engineering, Dumais Romans General Contractor: Burton Construction EWU Contact: Mike Davis Construction Project Manager phone: 509.359.7353 email:

Nursing Mother’s and Family Nurturing Room OPEN HOUSE, JFK

Come celebrate the grand opening of EWU’s latest Nursing Mother’s and Family Nurturing Room!  The room is located on the lower level of JFK right near our kids’ collection [Curriculum Center].  A cozy retreat to feed baby, change a nappy, or comfort your kiddo or toddler, we welcome moms and families to this new resource … Read more

JFK Library Security Control – AE1405

<a href="" title=" < return to projects page Scope of Work: Develop programming and schematic design to separate the main floor of the JFK Library from the basement and upper floor for extended hours use by students. Total Budget: $budget Current Project Phase: Phase Design Consultant: ALSC Architects – Spokane, WA (Ken Murphy) EWU Contact: … Read more