Consultant Roster
Architect, Engineers and Landscape Architect Consultants
General Requirements
Eastern Washington University selects architects and engineers for consulting projects through its consultant roster. Effective December 13, 2024, EWU is utilizing MRSC’s consultant roster for upcoming projects. If you would like to be eligible to provide these services to EWU, please sign up for the MRSC consultant roster at:
EWU will select future consultants from the MRSC consultant roster utilizing a request for qualifications or request for proposals process. To be eligible for these projects and to be notified of opportunities, please register through MRSC and indicate your availability to perform work in Spokane County.
Instructions and Application Documents
- AE Consultant RFQ Selection Procedures
- MRSC Roster Website
Notice to Consultants
As of December 13, 2024, EWU is discontuining its own consultant roster. All future solicitations will be through the MRSC consultant roster process.
Frequently Asked Questions
The consultant roster is a list of preapproved architects and engineers. EWU uses the roster to select firms to provide planning, design, special studies, and inspections for public works projects as allowed by RCW 39.80.
The file is open to consultants who successfully complete the submittal process. Inclusion in the Consultant Roster is not a guarantee of work. It only provides the firm with the opportunity to be selected.
Apply at
We advertise for submittals semi-annually. However, new and updated submittals are accepted year round.
Register through the MRSC website at:
Facilities and Planning