HSNG Booster Pumps – AE1426

<a href="https://test-inside.ewu.edu/facilities/news/projects/" title=" < return to projects page Scope of Work: *scope Total Budget: $75,000 Current Project Phase: Phase Design Consultant: Dumais Romans EWU Contact: Mike DavisConstruction Project Managerphone: 509.359.7353email: mdavis@ewu.edu RFQ/Bid Information: Bid (Quest Project #) Bid Advertisement Bid Tab – available on QuestCDN 

Tawanka Dishwashing Area – AE1430

<a href="https://test-inside.ewu.edu/facilities/news/projects/" title=" < return to projects page Scope of Work: *scope Total Budget: $21,315 Current Project Phase: Phase Design Consultant: Dumais Romans General Contractor Burton Construction, INC. EWU Contact: Mike DavisConstruction Project Managerphone: 509.359.7353email: mdavis@ewu.edu RFQ/Bid Information: Bid (Quest Project #) Bid Advertisement Bid Tab – available on QuestCDN 

Housing Gallery Space- AE1428

<a href="https://test-inside.ewu.edu/facilities/news/projects/" title=" < return to projects page Scope of Work: Interior remodel for student art gallery Total Budget: $budget Current Project Phase: Phase Design Consultant: General Contractor EWU Contact: Troy BesterSenior Project Managerphone: 509.359.2204email: tbester@ewu.edu RFQ/Bid Information: Bid (Quest Project #) Bid Advertisement Bid Tab – available on QuestCDN 

Campus Security Master Plan – AE1418

<a href="https://test-inside.ewu.edu/facilities/news/projects/" title=" < return to projects page Scope of Work: Master Planning for campus safety and security issues; plan will have list of projects, priorities, and cost estimates included. Total Budget: $200,000 Current Project Phase: Design Design Consultant: KMB Design Groups – Olympia, WA(Jason Ramay) EWU Contact: Troy BesterSenior Project Managerphone: 509.359.2204email: tbester@ewu.edu

Water System Capital Renewal Project – AE1345G1

<a href="https://test-inside.ewu.edu/facilities/news/projects/" title=" < return to projects page Scope of Work: Project to evaluate, design, and construct well work, treatment facility, piping and valve replacement, emergency intertie work, flow and pressure boosting stations, general campus water system improvements. Total Budget: $7,278,000  Current Project Phase: Completed Design Consultant: TD&H – Spokane General Contractor: Blue Star Enterprises … Read more

Tawanka Kitchen Hood Replacement – AE1356

<a href="https://test-inside.ewu.edu/facilities/news/projects/" title=" < return to projects page Scope of Work: Modernization of the food service overhead cooking hoods in the second floor Tawanka kitchen. Total Budget: $141,344 Current Project Phase: Phase Design Consultant: Dumais Romans – Spokane Valley General Contractor: Kearsley Construction – Spokane, WA EWU Contact: Mike DavisConstruction Project Managerphone: 509.359.7353email: mdavis@ewu.edu RFQ/Bid … Read more