The association will be known as the Eastern Washington University Academic Advising Association. Its official acronym shall be EWU ACADA.
The Eastern Washington University Academic Advising Association (EWU ACADA) is the primary organized group of professional and faculty advisors and student support personnel at Eastern Washington University. The primary goals of the association are:
- To increase advising effectiveness at Eastern Washington University by strengthening communication on academic advising issues within the academic community and among professional advisors.
- To aid in the development of a greater understanding of the role of advising in student learning and to strengthen University-wide recognition of the significance of academic advising in the recruitment, retention, and academic success of Eastern Washington University students.
- To develop and promote multicultural awareness and competencies for advisors and other student support professionals.
- To develop relationships with external academic professionals.
- To provide a network of advisors and other academic and student affairs professionals that fosters a collaborative environment to ensure student success.
- To provide opportunities for professional development to academic advisors and student support personnel throughout the EWU campuses.
It is the intent of the organization to remain an allied member of the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) and support the goals and programs of NACADA.
Section 1 – Equal Opportunity
Membership in EWU ACADA and opportunities for leadership shall be open to all individuals. There shall be no discrimination for reasons of race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, veteran status, or disability.
Section 2 – Types of Membership
A. Regular
- Eligibility
Regular memberships shall be open to academic advisors, student support personnel, faculty advisors, administrators, counselors, and other members of the Eastern Washington University community whose interests are in the area of advising and student services. - Procedure
An individual may become a member in good standing by applying for membership and paying their $20 annual dues. - Rights
All regular members in good standing shall be eligible to vote, hold office, attend meetings, and participate in professional activities of EWU ACADA.
B. Other Membership Types
- Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students at the University who are in good standing can apply for student membership. They will enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership, except they may not vote, hold office, or pay dues. - Graduate Students
Graduate students at the University who are in good standing can apply for student membership. They will enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership, except they may not vote, hold office, or pay dues. - Lifetime Membership
The Executive Committee may confer lifetime membership upon retired members of EWU ACADA. Lifetime members will enjoy all of the rights and privileges of membership, except they may not vote, hold office, or pay dues.
Section 3 – Dues
A. Annual dues shall be $20, due by the first day of October of each year.
B. Membership dues are payable upon joining EWU ACADA.
C. Membership dues may be modified by the Executive Committee, with recommendations by the general membership and approval by the voting membership.
D. Membership dues for an individual member may be waived by the Executive Committee.
E. The EWU ACADA “membership year” is October through the following September. To normalize the cycle of membership renewals, new members who have joined in July, August, or September of a given year will be treated as if their membership year started in October of that same year.
The Annual Meeting of EWU ACADA shall be held at a date in September or October determined by the Executive Committee. The purpose of this meeting is to address approval of any bylaws changes, approval of the budget for next year, elections, and announcement of award winners.”
Regular meeting times will be established by the Executive Committee. Regular meetings will provide a professional development opportunity on an advising issue. This shall be determined by the Executive Committee with input from the general membership. Special meetings may be called, when necessary, by ten (10) voting members of the Association with ten (10) days notice to the Executive Committee.
A quorum of the membership shall consist of 11 members of the membership.
The quorum can be modified, based on membership, by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
Section 1 – Composition and Tenure
A. The officers of EWU ACADA shall consist of the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Faculty Representative, Staff Representative, and Treasurer.
B. Each officer shall serve for a term of one year. Terms begin at the June meeting.
Section 2 – Selection
A. Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting in June.
B. Nominations shall be solicited for at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting and additional nominations will be accepted from the floor at the annual meeting.
C. Nominees receiving the majority of the votes shall be elected.
Section 3 – Duties and Responsibilities
A. President
The President shall preside at all Association and Executive Committee meetings. The President is responsible for overseeing all of the Association’s activities. The President may call special meetings of the Executive Committee and serves as an ex-officio member of all standing and ad hoc committees. The President shall appoint an audit committee each year as needed and may appoint ad hoc committees as needed.
B. Vice President
The Vice President shall perform the duties and responsibilities of the President in his or her absence and when so acting shall exercise the powers of the President.
C. Secretary
The Secretary shall keep records of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee and shall give notice of special meetings to all members. The Secretary shall also maintain the EWU ACADA Google Group and the EWU ACADA website.
D. Faculty Representative on Executive Committee
The Faculty Representative shall represent the interests of faculty, provide assistance with advising workshops as needed, and guide programming to address faculty advisor needs. Serve as chair of the Faculty Engagement Committee.
E. Staff Representative on Executive Committee
The Staff Representative shall represent the interests of professional advisors, provide assistance with advising workshops as needed, and guide programming to address professional advisor needs. Serve as chair of the Staff Engagement Committee.
F. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the EWU ACADA budget housed with the Eastern Washington University Foundation. The Treasurer shall approve all financial expenditures of EWU ACADA funds related to EWU ACADA business.
Section 4 – Removal
Officers may be removed for cause by a majority vote of the association.
Section 5 – Interim Officers
In the event of a vacancy, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement to serve until the next Annual Meeting.
Section 1 – Composition and Tenure
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Faculty Representative, Staff Representative, and Treasurer.
Section 2 – Tenure
The Executive Committee shall reconvene each year at the first regularly scheduled meeting of the Executive Committee after the annual meeting. No member may hold more than one seat on the Executive Committee at one time.
A. The Executive Committee shall have full authority over the affairs of EWU ACADA between its meetings, shall represent EWU ACADA to the University, shall make recommendations to the Association, shall perform duties as stated in the by-laws, and shall act as directed by the Association.
B. Specific Powers and Responsibilities
- The Executive Committee shall be responsible for meetings of the Association.
- The Executive Committee shall supervise the activities of standing or ad hoc committees, if any such committees form.
- The Executive Committee shall prepare and submit an annual budget for approval by the membership at the Annual Meeting.
- The Executive Committee shall prepare and submit an annual report at the Annual Meeting.
- The Executive Committee determines the amount of annual dues, subject to approval by the membership.
- The Executive Committee must approve all contracts and/or other agreements obligating the organization.
- The Executive Committee may authorize expenditures not included in the annual budget, up to $500 per fiscal year, without prior approval of the membership, and may authorize exceptions to budgeted expenditures as necessary.
Section 1 – Membership
A. Membership in standing or ad hoc committees shall be open to all members of EWU ACADA.
B. Members may join a standing committee by voicing their interest to the chair of the committee, or to any member of the Executive Committee.
C. The Faculty Engagement Committee and the Staff Engagement Committee remain standing year to year and the Faculty and Staff Representatives will serve as chairs of the committee unless delegated otherwise.
D. A standing committee member may remain as long as they are a member in good standing of EWU ACADA, or until they resign from the committee.
Section 2 – Chairpersons
A. With the exception of the Faculty Engagement Committee and the Staff Engagement Committee, the chairpersons of the standing committees shall be elected from among the membership at the Annual Meeting.
B. If a standing committee does not have a chair by the second meeting of the Executive Committee after the Annual Meeting, the Executive Committee shall appoint a chair.
Section 3 – Duties
A. Each standing committee shall prepare an annual budget, if requested, to be submitted to the Executive Committee prior to the Annual Meeting.
B. Each standing committee shall prepare an annual report to be submitted to the Executive Committee prior to the annual meeting.
C. Each standing committee will be responsible for fulfilling the purposes of the committee.
Any member(s) in good standing may submit a proposed amendment to these by-laws to a member of the Executive Committee. It must be in writing and be signed by five members of EWU ACADA.
Upon affirmative vote of a majority of the Executive Committee, the proposed amendment shall be submitted to the membership for a vote.
The by-laws shall be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of a quorum of the membership either by mail, email, or at a meeting of the Association.
By-laws may be reviewed in 12-18 months from their inception for possible revision.
Upon dissolution of this Association, the Executive Committee shall provide the payment of all debts and claims against the Association, and for the transfer of all remaining funds and property to Eastern Washington University.