Frequently Asked Questions

Eastern Washington University has contracted with Gallagher to conduct a Classification & Compensation study to determine the appropriate pay levels for different exempt jobs within Eastern Washington University. Our goal is to ensure that pay is competitive and fairly structured. Based on the study outcomes, Eastern Washington University will adopt an updated compensation system that is easy to administer, fair, and transparent for all exempt positions.

The target, contingent on other dependencies, is to complete the final phase by July 1, 2025.

Eastern Washington University and Gallagher will work together to select comparable organizations (i.e., industry, non-profit, and for-profit organizations, etc.) based on geographic location, size related population, employees, budget, and presence of comparable positions. Eastern Washington University and Gallagher will also consider other employers that Eastern Washington University competes with for employees.

The salary structure, ranges, and progression for bargaining unit position recommendations will need to go through negotiations.

The goal is to implement an updated compensation structure for exempt staff by July 1, 2025.

Eastern Washington University has no plans to reduce current pay rates and Gallagher does not recommend this practice.

Gallagher will make recommendations on pay considering individual experience and other factors. However, Eastern Washington University will make the final decision based on the available budget.

Typically, when conducting a comp and class study, Gallager will be able to identify benchmark positions for approximately 70% of the positions. Benchmark positions are those that have direct market comparable positions. The remaining non-benchmark positions often require highly-specialized skills or experience resulting in few similar jobs being available for comparison. Gallagher will engage in a systematic approach of slotting the non-benchmark positions into the structure by comparing the nature and value of the duties to the nature and value of duties for positions for which they have market data. Gallagher will account for internal equity and job worth. 

While this is not a race/gender pay equity study, one goal is to review the work being performed and assess whether it’s fair and equitable internally and externally. The process ensures we stay neutral with incumbents’ demographics.

The current scope of the study does not focus on staffing, diversity, or employee satisfaction.

The current study is designed to implement standardization across Eastern Washington University and in the exempt employee job structures. The previous study provided an analysis of the current structure, but detailed improvement plans were not implemented. We are approaching this study from a fresh perspective.

Yes, Gallagher will recommend consistency in titles and jobs descriptions to the degree that it makes sense. Gallagher will review job descriptions, discuss job duties with leadership, and understand the functions of each department before making recommendations for changes.

Gallagher will come onsite as required. As part of the study, Gallagher will schedule virtual meetings with leadership and employee groups as requested to talk through the work being performed in the jobs and gain a better understanding of the job responsibilities and complexities.

Ensure all job descriptions reflect the work being performed appropriately and focus on the business needs instead of the qualifications of the incumbents.