Resources for Undocumented Students
EWU Campus Resources
Career Center
Phone: 509-359-6365 | Email: careers@ewu.edu | Location: 332 PUB
Provides professional success strategies for specific careers and industries. Can provide career counseling for undocumented students.
Counseling & Wellness Services
Phone: 509-359-2366 | Email: cws@ewu.edu | Mental Health Counseling Office: 225 Martin Hall | Wellness Services Office: 201 URC
Undocumented students will have access to a range of support services, including counseling and wellness resources, the client portal, the food pantry, sexual wellness services, Eagles for Recovery, and basic needs assistance.
EWU Financial Aid Office
Phone 509-359-2314 | Email: finaid@ewu.edu | Location: 102 Sutton Hall
Undocumented and DACA students may be eligible for some EWU scholarships (depending on donor criteria) but are not eligible for institutional financial aid. Open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
EWU Records & Registration
Phone: 509-359-2321 | Email: regonline@ewu.edu | Location: 201 Sutton Hall
When applying for aid at EWU, submit a residency affidavit form (1079 form) or proof of DACA status (I-797) to the EWU Records and Registration Office. Open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5p.m.
JLR Multicultural Center (Required to report all Title IX complaints)
Phone: 509-359-4004 | Email: mcc@ewu.edu | Location: 329 PUB
The Multicultural Center is a “home away from home” for students of color, folks of intersecting identities, and everyone engaged in building a welcoming EWU community. It is a space where critical conversations take place, in addition to being a place to study, hold meetings, and have social event.
Office for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (Required to report all Title IX complaints)
Phone: 509-359-4769 | Email: diversityandinclusion@ewu.edu | Location: 114 Showalter Hall
Supports undocumented students by advocating for rights, providing resources and guidance on navigating campus policies, connecting with legal, financial, and academic support, and fostering an inclusive environment that promotes success and well-being.
Student Accommodations & Support Services (Required to report all Title IX complaints)
Phone: 509-359-6871 | Email: sass@ewu.edu | Location: 015 Hargreaves Hall
Assists undocumented students by providing academic accommodations, mental health support, and connecting with essential resources like counseling, basic needs, and advising to help ensure their success.
EWU Confidential Community Resources
Counseling & Wellness Services
Phone: 509-359-2366 | cws@ewu.edu | Mental Health Counseling Office: 225 Martin Hall | Wellness Services Office: 201 URC
Counseling & Wellness Services at EWU maintains strict confidentiality for all students, including undocumented students, in accordance with legal and ethical guidelines. These services ensure that any personal information shared during counseling sessions remains private, providing a safe and supportive environment where undocumented students can receive help without fear of their status being disclosed.
EWU Support Contacts
Dean of Students (Required to report all Title IX complaints)
Phone: 509-359-7852 | Email: dos@ewu.edu
Ensures compliance with the Student Conduct Code and provides guidance on all sexual misconduct allegations involving students.
Title IX Coordinator
Phone: 509-359-6724 | Email: ascharosch@ewu.edu | Location: 221 Tawanka Hall
Coordinates EWU’s Title IX compliance efforts, conducts investigations, and provides training to the campus community.
Confidential Community Resources
Regional Behavior Health Crisis Line
24-hour service 877-266-1818. Provide crisis intervention and community services information.
Sexual Assault & Family Trauma (SAFeTY)24-hour service 509-747-8224. Advocate available to guide complainants subjected to sexual misconduct or any crime through criminal or university process.
YWCA Domestic Violence
24-hour service 509-326-2255. Advocate available to guide complainants subjected to intimate partner violence through the criminal or university process.
Free Laundry Facilities
Cup of Cool Water
Phone: 509-747-6696 | Location: 116 W. Second Ave, Spokane, WA 99201
Serves youth 13- 23 years of age laundry, detergent, and hygiene products provided. Open Monday: Noon – 2 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday:
1 p.m. – 4 p.m., and Tuesday & Thursday evening 7 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Our Place Community Ministries
Phone: 509-326-7267 | Location: 1509 W. College Ave, Spokane, WA 99201
Serves individuals 18 years and older. Laundry detergent provided. All services are free, no documentation is required, all are welcomed! Open Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Free Shower Facilities
Cup of Cool Water
Phone: 509-747-6686 | Email: cup@cupofcoolwater.org | Location: 1106 W 2nd Ave, Spokane, WA 99201
Cup of Cool Water is a safe space where youth and young adults experiencing homelessness can access essential services and empowering programs within a supportive community.
EWU Sports and Recreation Center (SRC)
Phone: 509-359-6357 | Location: 1108 Washington St, Cheney, WA 99004
The Sports and Recreation Center is a multi use facility that is open to students, faculty, staff and community members.
EWU University Recreation Center (URC)
Phone: 509-359-4026 | Email: urc@ewu.edu | Location: 1012 Cedar St, Cheney, WA 99004
The men’s and women’s student locker rooms are on the lower level. The URC serves as the premier hub for student life and community health and wellness activities.
Jewels Helping Hands
Phone: 509-443-5104 | Email: jewelshelpinghandsspokane@gmail.com |Location: 3923 N. Cedar, Spokane, WA 99205
Jewels Helping Hands provides a wide variety of services including a warming center, street medical teams, mobile outreach, food, mobile showers, hygiene supplies, and connection to community resources and services.
Our Place Community Ministries
Phone: 509-326-7267 | Location: 1509 W. College Ave, Spokane, WA 99201
Free shower facilities are available on a first come, first serve basis located in front of the Laundry Center. All services are free, no documentation is required, all are welcome! Free shower facilities are open Thursdays 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Women’s Hearth
Phone: 509-455-4249 | Location: 920 W 2nd Ave, Spokane, WA 99201
Women’s Hearth provides activities, classes, social service referrals and housing-search case management in a compassionate and supportive environment 5 days a week. Participants also have access to phones, computers, internet, healthy food, hygiene supplies, and showers.
Food Resources
Cheney Cupboard – Food Distribution Center
Phone: 509-235-2325 | Location: 624 3rd St., Cheney, WA 99004
A full-service food pantry that allows families to self-select foods in a grocery store-style experience. In addition to a wide range of canned and packaged staples, there is typically meats, breads, and produce on a weekly basis. Families may come weekly as needed to support their nutritional needs.
EWU Food Pantry
Phone: 509-359-4279 | Email: foodpantry@ewu.edu | Location: Central Pantry 129 E Tawanka
The EWU Food Pantry Program aims to alleviate hunger and foster a healthy and inclusive community by providing access to nutritious food. EWU students, staff and faculty are invited to take what they need from the cabinets and central pantry. There is no need to qualify, the pantry is open to any EAG in need.
Feed Cheney
Phone: 509-498-9250 | Location: Wren Pierson Building 615 4th Street, Cheney, WA 99004
No documentation. No demonstration of need. Come and eat! Meet new neighbors. Feed Cheney is most often on the last Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
Medical Lake Food Bank
Phone: 509-299-3819 | Location: 207 S. Washington St., Medical Lake, WA 99022
Open Thursday: 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. (1st Thursday – Pantry Distribution) and Friday: 10 a.m. – Noon (Weekly)
Salvation Army
Phone: 509-325-6810 | Location: 222 E Indiana Ave, Spokane, WA 99207
One of the largest food bank outlets in the community; serving an average of 1,500 families in Spokane County every month. By offering access to free, fresh produce and canned goods, with valuable meal supplementation while helping those in need maintain their independence and dignity.
Women & Children’s Free Restaurant & Community Kitchen
Phone: 509-324-1995 | Location: 1408 N. Washington, Spokane, WA 99201
Women & Children’s Free Restaurant & Community Kitchen is a vital safety net that fills nutritional gaps for women and children in need while fostering dignity and respect, both within the restaurant and in the community.
Homeless Shelters
Hope House
Phone: 509-816-1669 | Email: hopehouse@voaspokane.org | Location: 318 South Adams, Spokane, WA 99201
Hope House offers an environment of dignity, respect and compassion that honors the intrinsic value and unique experience of every woman. 100 shelter beds are available each night. Each woman receives personal care including nutritious food, a hot shower clean, clean and dry clothing, hygiene items, a warm bed, onsite case management, resource information, connection to permanent housing, and referrals to community resources. (Women Only Shelter)
The Way Out Bridge Housing Center
Phone: 509-866-5476 | Location: 55 W. Mission Ave, Spokane, WA 99201
A program designed for adults who sincerely want to exit homelessness and find permanent housing and employment. This Center’s program is designed for adults who sincerely want to exit homelessness and find permanent housing and employment.
Thrive Center Spokane
Phone: 509-553-5606 | Location 110 E. 4th Ave, Spokane, WA 99202
With 153 rooms and two event spaces, Thrive Center is the first transitional refugee housing center in Spokane that provides shelter for refugee and immigrant families and on-site facilities for education and programming.
St. Margaret’s Shelter
Phone: 509-624-9788 | Location: 101 E. Hartson Ave, Spokane, WA 99202
St. Margaret’s Shelter provides emergency and transitional shelter to promote positive life changes in a supportive, short-term environment. St. Margaret’s Shelter offers social services that include individualized case management to regain and stabilize housing for families experiencing homelessness.
Legal services
Catholic Charities
Phone: 509-455-4961 | Location: 12 E. Ave, Spokane, WA 99202
Catholic Charities – Immigration Legal Services primary goals are to promote the reunification of families and to assist the integration of newcomers successfully into our community. Call the phone number above to schedule an appointment.
¡Latinos En Spokane! – Poder Legal
Phone: 509-558-9359 | Location: 1502 N Monroe St, Spokane, WA 99201
Poder Legal focuses on addressing the unique legal needs of Latinos and immigrants in Eastern Washington, ensuring access to justice and resources for this underserved population. Immigration services offered are family-based petitions, asylum, DACA, victims of crime and family violence, work permits, waivers, applying for citizenship, renewals of permanent residence, screening for various forms of immigration benefits and relief, and assistance to documented and undocumented immigrants.
Manzanita House – Manzanita Immigrant Legal Aid (MILA)
Phone: 509-309-8404 | Email: mila@mhspokane.org | Location: 201 W Main Ave, Spokane, WA 99201
Manzanita House is addressing the dire shortage of immigration services and support, working tirelessly to provide accessible legal assistance for individuals and families. Providing adjustment status, naturalization, consular processing, employment authorization, family petitions, temporary protected status, T and U services, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions, removal defense, and special immigrant juvenile status.
Quiroga Law Office
Phone: 509-927-3840 | Location: 505 N. Argonne Rd., Suite B-109, Spokane Valley, WA 99212
A law firm for immigrants by immigrants. Partner through every area of immigration law immigration, visas, green cards, political asylum, temporary entry for tourists, business executives, students, and diplomats, naturalization issues, detention and deportation.
Police Departments
City of Cheney Police Department
Crime Check: 509-456-2233 | Emergency Phone: 911 | Location: 215 G Street, Cheney, WA 99004
EWU Police Department
Phone: 509-359-7676 | Emergency Phone: 911 | Email: police@ewu.edu | Location: 609 W. 7th St., Cheney, WA 99004
The EWU Police Department is located at the Red Barn on campus.
Spokane Police Department
Crime Check 509-456-2233 | Emergency Phone: 911 | Email: spdwebmail@spokanepolice.org | 1100 W Mallon Ave, Spokane, WA 99260
Other Resources
Global Neighborhood
Phone: 509-868-0001 | Location: 919 E. Trent Ave, Spokane, WA 99202
Global Neighborhood offers pathways to employment for our neighbors who have come to Spokane as refugees, providing work through sustainable, accessible thrift and vintage store. Refugees receive job training, income, and a community of support to rebuild their lives in the U.S.
MultiCare Rockwood Clinic
Phone: 509-235-6151 | Location: 19 North 7th St, Cheney, WA 99004
MultiCare Rockwood Clinic has partnered with EWU to provide healthcare to EWU students. These services provide for the basic medical needs of eligible students. Care is available at multiple locations including Cheney, Spokane, Medical Lake and Airway Heights. You must present your EWU ID at check-in for each visit.
Nuestras Raíces
Phone: 509-557-0566 | Location: 1214 E. Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA 99202
Nuestras Raíces is a community center that is committed to increase public awareness and pride in the depth and diversity of Hispanic / Latino culture through our 501c3 and our 501c6. Our community center promotes and serves the Hispanic/Latino interest through cultural, business outreach, social justice and wellbeing of our community.
Refugee and Immigrant Connections Spokane (RICS)
Phone: 509-209-2384 | Email: rics@ricspokane.org | Location: 35 W. Main Ste. 205, Spokane, WA 99201
Refugee and Immigrant Connections Spokane supports and empowers refugee and immigrant communities by providing services, fostering community bonds, and advocating for refugee and immigrant rights in the Inland Northwest.
Thrive International
Phone: 509-553-5606 | Location: 110 E 4th Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202
Thrive International is innovating how local communities respond to the refugee crisis in America. There are two transitional housing centers in Washington State (Spokane and Seattle) that serve refugee families while providing on-site programming and education tailored to their needs.
Washington Application for State Financial Aid
Phone: 888-535-0747
A person should complete the WASFA if they are undocumented or do not qualify for federal financial aid because of their immigration status. The information on the application is shared between WASFA and the campuses listed by the student so the schools may determine eligibility for resident tuition and financial aid. Campuses are not permitted to use the information for other purposes or share the data with other parties.
World Relief
Phone: 50-484-7279 | Location: 512 S. Bernard St, Spokane, WA 99204
World Relief Spokane believes refugees and other immigrants are vital to the flourishing of our country and community. Together, we can empower refugees and other immigrants to find hope, rebuild their lives and create communities of welcome. World Relief Spokane has resettled over 11,000 refugees.
Eastern Washington University does not discriminate in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, genetic information, age, marital status, families with children, protected veteran or military status, HIV or hepatitis C, status as a mother breastfeeding her child, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability, as provided for and to the extent required by state and federal laws.
Safety of Information
Your personal information regarding your status will not be shared with federal officials or anyone outside of the use for the academic realm without your consent in agreement with the FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and EWU’s Policies.