‘Doing the Work’

Please register, and we will send you additional information about how to earn units towards your Doing the Work placard.


Program Details

  • ‘Doing the Work’ is an advanced development program designed for faculty, administrators, and staff.
  • Participants must complete six (6) Belonging Advancement Units (BAUs) within a fiscal year, from July 1 to June 30, through activities that advance belonging such as workshops, readings, and/or programs.
  • Each event, activity, or program counts for a maximum of 1 BAU.
  • Upon Completion of six (6) BAUs, participants will:
    • Receive a placard for ‘Doing the Work’.
    • Be recognized in a special fall ceremony.
    • Earn an electronic badge to add to their email signature.

‘Doing the Work’ Learning Log Details

  • The Learning Log is designed to help participants track their progress toward earning the ‘Doing the Work’ placard.
  • Record each event, activity, or program in the log to track your progress toward the six (6) BAUs required.
  • When logging an event/activity you will:
    • Reflect on your learning in creating belonging and how you will apply your knowledge at EWU.
  • The log is based on the honor system. You are trusted to log your participation honestly and accurately.

Examples of events, activities, programs that count for 1 Belonging Advancement Unit:

  • Campus-wide events that promote belonging
  • Service or committee work that enhances a culture of belonging
  • Heritage Month events
  • Language enrichment programs
  • Reading books from the Center Library or participating in a reading group
  • Trainings and workshops focused on belonging