How do I get access to Tableau?

All EWU faculty and staff members have free access to Tableau.

Need Access to Tableau?

How do I sign in to Tableau Server?

Go to the test-inside.ewu.edu and under the “A-Z” services look for Tableau Server. Here is a direct link to the server: https://tableau.ewu.edu

How to I request access to a specific ORG, Index Code, or Fund?

Use this online form to request access to Banner Finance and/or Banner HR/Payroll. User permissions (security) is separate for these two modules so be sure to request Org code permissions for both if needed.

What access is needed to run Finance/HR/Payroll/Grants/AR reports?

Please note, all steps below must be completed before you can run the reports. Please complete the forms below only if you are responsible for your department’s budget, financial, and grants activities.

  1. Banner Finance/HR Access – Click here for more information
  2. Reporting Access (ODSP/RPTP) – Click here for more information
  3. Oracle username (NetID) and password– Required for all Finance/HR/Payroll/Grants/AR related reports
    • If you don’t know your Oracle password, please submit a help-desk ticket using “Oracle Password Help” as Subject.
  4. Tableau Access – Need Access? Click here to request.

For more information on EWU systems and how to request access please visit EWU IT site.

Tableau How To – Basic Navigation

If you are new to Tableau, we have provided basic navigation training that includes self-study, documentation and/or videos. Tableau Basics provides written documentation on logging into Tableau Server and basic navigation. Tableau How To includes additional resources and training.

Oracle Password Assistance

In Tableau, some content is available to everyone and some requires login information. When prompted for login information, please use your Oracle user name and password and not your SSO. For Oracle password reset information, please refer to this article: https://support.ewu.edu/support/solutions/articles/10000025660-how-do-i-change-my-oracle-password- 

If you don’t know or don’t remember your Oracle credentials, please submit a help-desk ticket using “Oracle Password Help” as Subject.

Solution: Resolving Tableau Sign In Prompt

What: Users are experiencing session time out in Tableau after a new EWU Single Sign On (SSO) login experience was deployed by EWU IT.  


  1. Please clear your browser cache/cookies (see this article on how to do that) and then close the browser
  2. Log back into Tableau
    • During the SSO authentication process, specifically during the step “Stay signed in?”, please select option “No”.
  3. Now you should be able to access Tableau

What is Tableau?

Tableau is a robust data visualization tool used to facilitate business intelligence and data analytics. The reporting tool helps users parse and present information in a visual way, moving away from traditional row and columnar reports and instead showing exceptions, trends, and comparisons.

To access Tableau, please go to test-inside.ewu.edu and under the “A-Z” services look for Tableau Server. Here is a direct link to the server: https://tableau.ewu.edu

Here are some EWU Tableau dashboards/reports for you to explore:

  • Faculty & Staff at a Glance – Workforce statistics for active benefited classified, exempt, and faculty employees over snapshots of time.
  • Census Enrollment – On the 10th day of each quarter/semester, a freeze of the data is completed. This report allows users to view trends of student headcounts filterable by a large selection of student demographics and characteristics.
  • Term Retention – How many, and what percentage, of students have registered for the upcoming term?
  • University Fees – Provides information about course fees, tuition cost, mandatory fees, and others.

Want to explore more?  Please check out our EWU Data Hub site, a place where you can find reports/dashboards on a variety of subject focused areas such as Finance, Budget, Payroll, HR, Student, Grants, and others. EWU Data Hub site can also be accessed via https://test-inside.ewu.edu  under “A-Z” Services site.

How is Tableau helping EWU?  

  • Prompt data-driven decision-making
    • Eastern Washington University has a large amount of data containing enormous volume of information that EWU can analyze and visualize to prompt data-driven decision-making.
  • Tableau empowers users to
    • Analyze data
    • Share and collaborate insights
    • Answer complex questions
  • Tableau Server is free to all faculty and staff members. Need access? Please see How do I get access to Tableau?
  • Self-Service: Tableau server is Single-Sign-On (SSO) enabled and it is available 24/7 at no cost to you.
  • For majority of users, Tableau server will provide everything they need for their reporting and analytics functions.

Did not find what you need? Please submit a help-desk ticket using “Tableau” as “Issue Type”.