NCAE at Eastern

Unlock Your Cybersecurity Potential: Join the NCAE Cyber Games!

Are you a college student passionate about cybersecurity and ready to test your skills? Look no further than the NCAE Cyber Games! This thrilling competition, funded by the National Security Agency (NSA), is designed specifically for first-time competitors, offering a fun and supportive environment to learn, build confidence, and showcase your talent.

NCAE stands for the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity. This program recognizes colleges and universities that demonstrate excellence in cybersecurity education. The NCAE Cyber Games are an extension of this program, aiming to inspire a new generation of cybersecurity professionals.

Participating in the NCAE Cyber Games offers several benefits to students:

  • Gain valuable hands-on experience in cybersecurity.
  • Develop teamwork, communication, and critical thinking skills.
  • Network with other talented students and industry professionals.
  • Increase your chances of landing internships and jobs in cybersecurity.
  • Compete for scholarship prizes and other awards.
  • Most importantly, have fun and challenge yourself!

Participating in the NCAE Cyber Games is simple and accessible. To join:

  • Check if your college is an NCAE-designated institution (it is!).
  • Form a team of 3-5 students.
  • Register your team through the official website.
  • Get ready to embark on a challenging and rewarding cybersecurity adventure!

The NCAE Cyber Games have three main goals:

  • Introduce students to the exciting world of cybersecurity competitions.
  • Provide a platform for students to develop their cybersecurity skills in a team environment.
  • Inspire the next generation of cybersecurity professionals to pursue careers in this critical field.

Head over to the official NCAE Cyber Games website to learn more about the competition format, schedule, and registration process. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to unlock your cybersecurity potential and join the ranks of the next generation of cybersecurity defenders!

Check out the official site!

Congratulations to our 2024 NCAE for finishing first in the regionals! Good luck at Nationals!

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