Workflow Deadlines

There are four major types of curriculum changes and a deadline for each type that will help both the submitters and approvers in the workflow. Submitters can enter all types of changes in the CIM/PIM system. Zoom sessions will be provided to answer questions about the processes.

1. Banking courses that have not been offered recently. Deadline for submission is July 12.

2. Modes of Instruction changes as a result of CBA amendment. Deadline is October 18.

3. Modality updates to identify in CIM/PIM the modes of delivery for each course/program that will be offered in a mode of delivery other than in-person. Deadline is October 18.

4. Program changes. Deadline is December 1.


All undergraduate proposals must be at CPAC by February 6th for consideration in the Catalog.


All graduate proposals must be at CPAC by February 6th for consideration in the Catalog.


Catalog edits are due by March 14th. Review Edit Catalog for additional information.

Workflow Process

New courses or changes to existing courses, and proposals for new programs or substantive revisions to existing programs are submitted into the standard approval workflow. Condensed workflows may be utilized for submissions with non-substantive changes, or pre-approved through another process.

Approval workflow reviewers may review the Approver Resources for additional information.

  1. Initiator
  2. Academic Planning
  3. Chair-Program or Department
  4. College Associate or Assistant Dean
  5. FYI-Related Departments
  6. Assistant VP of Academic Planning or Graduate Programs Director
  7. FYI-Library
  8. FYI-Assessment Committee
  9. Undergraduate CPAC Vote or Graduate CPAC 1 or 2
  10. Chair Undergraduate CPAC or Graduate CPAC 1 or 2 Chair
  11. UAC Vote or GAC members
  12. UAC or GAC Chair
  13. College Dean
  14. FYI-Rules
  15. Provost
  16. Catalog Editor
  17. FYIs to Campus Community: Assessment, Degree Works, GUAA Directors, College Dean, Chair of Program or Department, Initiator
  18. Banner

Email Notifications

Each approver in the workflow is notified that a task is waiting for their review. It is the responsibility of the submitter to follow the proposal and ensure that the proposal progresses through the approval workflow in the established timeline.

Accreditation Approval Process

New programs and programs with substantive changes will go through the approval process with NWCCU, as well as the CPAC process.  This process only pertains to undergraduate majors, certificates, and graduate degrees and certificates, undergraduate minors are excluded. 

The current process for programs that need both institutional and NWCCU approval:

  • The department must submit the program into the PIM portal for institutional approval. 
  • The department will work with the College Finance Officer to produce a financial pro-forma for new programs. 
  • After the institutional submission deadline has passed a work group that includes representatives from Academic Planning, Institutional Effectiveness, Financial Aid, and Graduate Programs will review the PIM submissions to identify programs that are new or contain substantive changes.  
  • Institutional Effectiveness will work with those programs to prepare an application for NWCCU.
  • The identified programs will go through an extended approval workflow that includes Institutional Effectiveness.
  • Once the program is approved institutionally, the NWCCU application will be submitted. 
  • Once the program is approved by NWCCU then the program can be published in the Academic Catalog.

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CPAC Policy Questions? Course and Program Management Policy


Mark Ward

Scott Eubanks
