
The process of scheduling section offerings for departments through a series of phases and modes. Each phase lets schedulers and approvers know what changes are allowed during this timeline.

2025-26 Phase Dates


Opens the First Week of November

The Planning Phase starts in the Design Mode to allow departments to create their schedules without it being moved to Banner.

Departments will have no sections built, but departments can copy from previously Archived terms. Only the full part of the term will be available for scheduling during this phase and any classes meeting outside of the standard term dates will need to be requested with the Part of Term Request Form.

Note: Catalog changes may be pending, so CLSS will not reflect in-process CIM changes.


Starts First Week of March

The Validate Phase is a critical step that starts the approval process to create sections in Banner and assign CRNs.

Departments are required to complete this process to advance sections into Banner/EagleNET. It’s important to note that all errors must be resolved before a schedule can be submitted for approval. Once the validation is complete, changes cannot be made until the schedule is officially in Banner or, if necessary, rolled back for edits.

Note: In the event of a rollback, departments must restart the validation process.


Starts Second Week of March

The Approval Phase allows Department Chairs, Associate Deans, and Finance Officers to review schedules for final approval before classes are created in Banner/EagleNET.

Department Chair roles should be minimally reviewing schedules for the following areas:

  • All courses offered for the term have a section created with appropriate seats.
  • Instructors are assigned to the correct sections per Faculty Workload agreements.
  • Sections have the correct instructional method/modality assigned.
  • Credit hours for variable credit courses are currently identified.
  • Meeting patterns don’t create instructor or student time conflicts.

Associate Dean roles should be minimally reviewing schedules for the following areas:

  • All courses offered for the term have the appropriate assigned campus and mode of instruction.
  • Contact hours are correctly identified based on the mode of instruction.
  • Instructors are assigned to the correct sections per Faculty Workload agreements.
  • Sections offered have enough seats for student demand and previous enrollment data.
  • Programs compliance with Federal Distance Education Regulations.

Finance Officer roles should be minimally reviewing schedules for the following areas:

  • Instructors are assigned to the correct sections per Faculty Workload agreements.
  • Sections have the correct instructional method/modality assigned.
  • All sections moving into FLAC should have a Position Number and Workload entered.
  • Review comments on sections that outline workload adjustments in Banner.

Academic Scheduling

Starts First Day of Spring Quarter

The Academic Scheduling Phase prevents departments from making changes to the schedule to allow Academic Scheduling to audit and room classes.

Departments will be provided audits during the first week of the phase to ensure schedules are accurately coded before room scheduling processes. Review the Academic Scheduling Calendar for what reports are provided and dates.

Academic Scheduling will minimally audit and update schedules for the following errors:

  • All sections are correctly scheduled based on their Modality.
  • Determine whether instructor time conflicts are meets-together for room scheduling.
  • Tuition and fees are added to self-support classes based on program rates.
  • Classes are bulk assigned to classrooms based on meeting pattern compliance and seat utilization.


Starts 11th Day of Spring Quarter

The Publish Phase is when schedules are visible in EagleNET and DegreeWorks to allow students to plan for future terms with their advisor.

Departments can make any section-level change to their classes possibly triggering an approval workflow before changes are moved to Banner/EagleNET. Schedules should be finalized during this phase to reduce disruption to students during their Registration Phase.

Instructors should confirm the following since they cannot be changed after priority registration starts:

  • Credit Amounts for Variable Credit Courses
  • Non-Standard Part of Terms
  • Course Level Grade Mode

Note: Sections cannot be deleted, but they can be cancelled from the schedule.


Starts First Day of Priority Registration

The Registration Phase restricts what changes a department can make to sections because of the impact on students.

Departments are responsible for contacting students about changes after registration starts:

  • Instructional Method/Modality
  • Meeting Patterns
  • Moving Campuses
  • Room Changes after Academic Scheduling provides Finalized List

Records & Registration automatically sends an email to students the day after they are dropped from a canceled class. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend that departments proactively contact students with alternative class suggestions before they are dropped.

Note: Departments cannot cancel sections with 9+ students–requests must be sent to Academic Scheduling by email with the Department Chair and Associate Dean’s approval.


Starts the 11th Day of Term

The Post-Census Phase will prevent users from changing most courses since students should have finalized their schedules for the term.

Departments can make changes to courses that fall into one of these categories:

  • Directed/Independent Studies
  • Internships
  • College in the High School
  • Continuing Education
  • Online Accelerated Session II


Starts Friday of 5th Week of Term

The Archive Phase locks scheduling units to all changes and moves to a Historical instance.

Departments can now use the Framer Tool to copy sections to future terms.

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