The EWU Career Center is delighted to kick off our Student & Alumni Spotlight Series with a submission from Deven Smith ‘24, who currently works as a Stage Tech for the EWU Theatre Department. Deven is currently earning his BA in Urban and Regional Planning while minoring in Theatre.
“I help build sets, hang and focus lights, work out audio issues, work on prop construction, practical effects, and more,” Deven said. “I found it originally through searching for a work study job and have done it three out of the four years I have been at Eastern.”
When asked about what he enjoys the most about his job, Deven said, “What I enjoy the most about my job is the community I am part of. I love everything we’re doing and the stories we’re sharing with the rest of the university.”
If there’s one piece of career advice Deven would give to his fellow Eags, he would advise them to not be afraid to take chances on opportunities that pop up!
If you are a current EWU student or proud alumnus with a job, internship, or career path you’d like to share with the EWU community, you can send us your submission here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PT8QJZC.