This week’s Student & Alumni Spotlight focuses on Cassondra Rosales, ‘15! Cassondra earned her degree in Visual Communications Design, with a minor in Coaching. She currently works as a Web Marketing and Communications Coordinator for Lower Columbia College.
Cassondra’s work at LCC is definitely wide-ranging; to achieve her goals, she uses a combination of multiple aspects of her education, including web development, content development, graphic design, user design, and communications – which, according to her, is one of the reasons why she loves her job. “I manage website content and creation; develop and provide web content editor training and development; branding and marketing over site on web and social media; social media management and development; and serve as the back-up Public Information officer to the Vice President of Effectiveness and College Relations,” she told us.
Cassondra also appreciates her ability to maintain professional and personal life balance in her current role – an aspect of professional life that many don’t consider when job-searching, but can still be vitally important. “While some of my work duties require me to be on-site for events and posting for social media, much of my work also allows me to work in a hybrid capacity telecommuting from home, [which provides] flexibility and work-life balance,” she told us.
We asked Cassondra if she’d expected to end up in her current position when she was still at EWU. “No, I thought I would try to go into a graphic design field working directly for a firm,” she says. “However, I found that I enjoyed working in a career that allowed me to use the large range of skills I developed through my education instead of just a design focus.”
If Cassondra could give any career advice to her fellow Eagles, it would be to “be open to jobs and opportunities that might not be exactly what you planned. Explore different careers and options in your field to find what career path is what you really want and drives you.”
If you are a current EWU student or proud alumnus with a job, internship, or career path you’d like to share with the EWU community, you can send us your submission here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PT8QJZC.