Group Exercise
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Eastern Washington University is slowly rebuilding its Group Exercise program. We are excited to begin offering safe, effective and motivating classes for the EWU community!
Group Exercise encompasses many different activities (choreographed or non-choreographed) led by a certified instructor. Classes may include aerobics (step, floor), mind-body (yoga) or specialty (kickboxing, core, specialty resistance training) classes. Classes will be developed towards training the five health related components of physical fitness (cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility and body composition).
Class Descriptions
Allows participants to get awesome cardio workouts with this high-energy, heart-pounding, exhilarating class. Individuals choose their intensity level – so beginners to advanced participants are encouraged to attend. This class is limited to the first 20 participants. Please come a few minutes early to class if you’ve never trained on an indoor cycle, for proper bike fitting.
A revolutionary method of training using leveraged body weight exercise. This class uses the TRX Suspension Trainer to safely perform hundreds of exercises that build power, strength, flexibility, balance, mobility and prevent injuries, all at the intensity you choose. – Please note this class is limited to the first 20 participants.
Uses various yoga and Pilates exercises to help build core strength & stability, enhance flexibility, and heighten mind-body awareness; modifications for beginner and intermediate participants.
Fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a dynamic fitness program that will blow you away. Our goal is simple: We want you to want to work out, to love working out, and to get hooked. ZUMBA fanatics achieve long-term benefits, while experiencing an absolute blast in one exhilarating hour of calorie-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movements, meant to engage and captivate for life!
How to Get Invovled
- Register for any of the PHED 125 1 Credit Group Exercise options.
- Download the course syllabus (found on Canvas).
- Complete participant data paperwork (You can download this paperwork from Canvas or by clicking here, but it is also provided at the GX Front Desk – your choice). Please bring completed paperwork to your first Group Exercise class.
- Show up to class and have fun!
- Must have current Eagle Card. Non-students need to purchase SRC/URC users card at the URC Skate Desk.
- Pay non-credit fees at URC Customer Service Desk ($46/quarter).
- Bring receipt to first Group Exercise class attended. Have completed participant data paperwork prior to working out (download by clicking here).
- Show up to class and have fun!
Useful Information
ALL participants (credit and non-credit) are required to bring their Eagle ID card to class and are required to scan in the computer or sign the attendance book at every class. NO EXCEPTIONS!
All classes are 50-60 minutes.
Courses are attendance-based, and require participation. Students are expected to participate fully in the class.
Classes begin the first day of the quarter and are cancelled on University holidays.
Up to 2 visits per day of any class will be counted for credit.
Refund Policy – You can receive a full refund if no classes are attended. However, no refund will be given if any classes are attended, period.