EWU Swim Lesson Program
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Swimming Lesson Calendar
Face coverings are no longer required, but are certainly encouraged and welcome. Please be respectful of others’ choices.
New to the program? Use the form below to send in your information.
EWU Aquatic Center offers public swim lessons for all ages and abilities! Lessons TTH between the hours of 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM or on Saturdays between the hours of 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM. Classes run every 30 minutes. Group lessons cost $8.00 per lesson. Private lessons cost $25 and semi-privates are $30. Note – Our fiscal year ends June 30, so prices are subject to change July 1, 2025.
Have a Daycare, Homeschool Group, or Private School that you’d like to bring in at a different time? Please contact Aquatic Center Manager Andrea Reid areid10@ewu.edu
To register – Call the Aquatic Center and register via phone at 509-359-6923 or 509-359-4252. You can also register in person at 1155 Playfield Lane, Cheney, WA 99004. You can fill out the request form below to get your student’s profile set up before submitting payment. Payment can be made over the phone with a credit card, or in person via check or credit card.
Group Lessons are structured as follows: Note above that only upper levels will be currently offered, to maintain social distancing.
- Parent Child classes are for water adjustment and ages 6 mos. – 3 years. Class limit is 4 students/parents.
- Preschool classes are for beginners through intermediate level swimmers and ages 3-5 years. Class limit is 4 students.
- Youth/School Age classes are all levels through advanced (YL6) and ages 6-12. Class limit is 6 students.
- Adult classes are for ages 13 and up. Class limit is 6 students.
- These age groups are guidelines, not strict rules. For example, a very advanced 5 year old can enroll in YL5, rather than PS3; or an early maturing 11 or 12 year old is welcome to enroll in adult classes. We want the students to be where they are most comfortable, and where their skills fit best.
- Private Lessons can be fit in where an instructor has no group class, or by arrangement with the instructor.