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Events and Courses

Tues: Tuesdays 12:00-1:00 PM
Drop-In $7.50
Need to learn to swim, or just brush up on your technique? This program is for you! Stroke Clinic fulfills a course requirement, thus EWU students enrolled in Swim Time are no charge.

EWU classes are offered in cooperation with a Dive Shop in Spokane. SCUBA is a great class for our exceptionally deep pool at 18′. Sign up with the EWU registrar for PHED 125 SCUBA Diving.
Wednesday night from 7 to 8:30 pm during the school year.
TBA. Friday 5-9 PM. Sat/Sun 8-5 PM. 20 hours. Red Cross or Ellis instructors may take this course as a bridge to BESTGuard Instructor. Authorization to teach the BESTGuard Lifeguard and Supervisor Courses. $125.00 Registration is now open. Call to register or drop in 509-359-4252 or 509-359-6923.