Wellbeing Coaching

Initial Wellbeing Appointment Follow-up Wellbeing Appointment

Wellbeing coaching is now available to students as another avenue to help you reach your wellbeing goals. Topics for coaching include: physical activity, healthy eating habits, time management, increased energy levels, better sleep, and increased mood – to name a few. You and your coach will work together to develop a vision for your overall wellbeing, and use your strengths and internal motivation to make a change. Wellbeing coaching will not create motivation in you, you need to come into your appointment with the internal motivation to make a specific change.  This is done through small, realistic steps to reach your end goal. Your wellbeing coach will not tell you how to get to your goal(s), give you wellness tips or suggestions but rather guide and support you in choosing a goal(s) for behavior change. You are in the driver’s seat to your behavior change and how to get there-this is more effective for lasting behavior change. Expect to set long-term and short-term goals to help support your wellness vision and improve your wellbeing. Your comprehensive student health fee covers the cost of wellbeing coaching sessions.

Wellbeing Coaching is NOT mental health counseling or therapy. If you are struggling with a mental health challenge that is impacting your functioning and well-being, we suggest you schedule an appointment with one of our mental health counselors. You can call 509-359-2366 for more information.   

Your first session will last approximately 60 minutes, where your coach will help you understand the coaching process, review your intake assessment, and help you start setting goals. Follow-up sessions will last approximately 25-35 minutes. Frequency of appointments is decided among you and your coach.

Coaching appointments are available during regular office hours (Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 5 pm). To set up an appointment, or if you have questions, please contact one of our Wellbeing Coaches at wellbeingcoach@ewu.edu.

Wellbeing Coach Profile

Laura Gant:
(509) 359-6845
Title: Health Education Coordinator
Education & Certification:
  • B.S. in Community Health Education, Eastern Washington University
  • Masters of Public Health, Eastern Washington University
  • Public Health Leadership Certificate, Eastern Washington University
  • CHWC, Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Wellcoaches Corporation

Strengths: Perseverance, Fairness, Self-Regulation, Honesty, Perspective (VIA Signature Strengths Questionnaire)

My approach to wellness coaching: Meeting students where they are at is very important to me; everyone’s journey is different and every student is unique. I love being able to have meaningful conversations that can draw out self-motivation for behavior change to create your best self, both now and in the future. I am passionate about health at every size, and believe wellness is more than just a number or a statistic, and much more about a sense of balance and life satisfaction for oneself.

What I hope to help students achieve:

  • New skills and motivation to create resilience.
  • Safe alternatives for navigating highs and lows of life during college and beyond.
  • Healthy balance between academic success, social life and personal wellbeing.