Faculty and Staff may reserve campus and academic facilities for EWU-related and/or sponsored events at EWU.
To reserve a space log into the University’s Room and Event Registration System via 25Live. EWU NetID authentication required.
Requests to use University facilities should be made at least 14 days prior to the event.
Time should be included in the tentative reservation to allow for setting up before and cleaning up after the event.
If the event planned is not University related please click here or contact the Event Planning office for reservations at 509-359-6857.
Upon successful submission, a confirmation will be assigned and returned via e-mail.

Payment Information
Index Code
Use of University funds to pay for employee meals and light refreshments at university-sponsored meetings or formal training sessions requires prior approval by the appropriate dean, director, or vice president.
⇒ Meals & Light Refreshments Procedures
The form must accompany a Flyer or Agenda from the event, as well as a List of Attendees if applicable.
Foundation Funding
All EWU Foundation disbursements made must have written justification that will meet auditing purposes. All payments must comply with Foundation guidelines. Contact the Foundation Office with any concerns.
⇒ Disbursement Process and Guidelines
Please submit a requisitions/invoice voucher to EWU Foundation Office, 102 Hargreaves. 509-359-6890 (t) 509-359-4738 (f)
Grant Funding
At Eastern Washington University all applications for external funding, whether federal, state, local or private, must be reviewed and approved by the Office of Grant and Research Development prior to submission.
⇒ Office of Grant & Research Development
A signature from the Grants Office, Showalter 210, authorizing payment is needed prior to submission to Event Planning.